In 2019, I had the pleasure of sitting down with comedian Nate Bargatze for a hilarious conversation about his journey to becoming a successful stand-up comic. If you haven't listened to this episode yet, be sure to add it to your list. His lessons coming up as a comedian can be applied to anyone cutting their teeth in a competitive and difficult... read more ›
1K reads
Ryan Holiday loves to write. He has published several books within the past decade, including "The Obstacle Is the Way" and "Ego Is the Enemy". One of his more prominent pieces of work 'The Daily Stoic' was published in 2016 after our mutual connection Steve Hanselman began encouraging him to write a one-page-a-day philosophy book. An interesting take on the traditional one-and-done reads he had explored before, Ryan decided to do that by creating a... read more ›
982 reads
Happy Holidays! Today's podcast is a twist on the usual - no guest, just some important ideas from yours truly that may help...IF you want to make changes in your life. First, there's a crazy stat -- something like 80% of people fail to achieve their New Years resolutions - and most give up within the first 2 weeks of the year. Yet here we (all) are, back to reflecting on how the past... read more ›
1.1K reads
Problem: the freelance life can be amazing, but there are lots of overlooked pitfalls when you're working for yourself. In particular I'm interested in one problem that none of my freelance friends--nor anyone on the internet quite frankly-- is talking about...and that's movement and physical well being. In a recent #cjRAW, I addressed this head on and we talked about 3 ways to move your body throughout the day (it focused on standup desks, walking... read more ›
9.2K reads