We’re facing the problem of compulsive overconsumption in the modern world. I’m speaking with the internationally recognized leader in addiction medicine treatment and education, Anna Lembke, MD. The way she explains it is that almost everything is drug-ified in some way or another in the modern world. The topic we get into on this podcast is key to our well-being and success in a digital age. In a world that seems to never stop there... read more ›
898 reads
Hey friends - want to take a second to re-introduce Erik, my on-staff video guru. He's been with us for a few years now and, as a film school grad and long time commercial shooter, his opinions are a great asset to my own. One thing we've both agreed to lately? That GoPro is an amazing company and--it's becoming increasingly clear--they really understand what their consumers want. So I'm kicking this one to E-rock (affectionate... read more ›
11.6K reads
Posted for your enjoyment. If you missed this LIVE show with Zoe Keating (or if you didn't...!) you'll want to take a peek. For one, IMHO it's some of our most beautiful footage and one of the best sounding of any chasejarvisLIVE to date - we're getting pretty tight on our capture because we're having a blast. For two - and more importantly-- in addition to Zoe Keating and her cello making some... read more ›
1.1K reads
Hey photo friends, Erik here. I recently stumbled upon Photography Monthly’s article on “The 50 Greatest Cameras of All Time”. I was a little surprised that my beloved Olympus E-P3 didn’t make their list, but I put together this little collection of some of my other favorites with some bits of information about them for your perusal. And whoa are there some doozies in there. The list is fascinating, lots of history and indications of... read more ›
85.5K reads
Do you know how to load a roll of film? Work a light meter? Edit slides on a light table? Scan film? Color correct scans? Track a photo inventory? Submit photos to clients? Work with a stock agency? Make prints? Pack a camera bag? Ship equipment? Set up lights? Scout a location? Drive on the left side of the road? Order food in French? Clean a digital sensor? Work in Photoshop? Create a workflow? Edit... read more ›
1.2K reads
Hopefully you got a laugh from my video earlier this week where I literally blended (as in put them in a blender) in parody fashion an old Polaroid analog camera and a digital point and shoot, to give birth to the new Polaroid Z340 (avail here)... Well...we had a blast making the video, but we DID experience a full-on blender blowout in the final stage of blending!! (watch the original, see if you... read more ›
363 reads
Got a wild hair one day last week and had a BLAST making this little video about the new Polaroid Z340 -- a blend of old analog and new digital technologies. Hope you dig it enough to have a laugh, watch it again, and forward to your friends. Polaroid has never been about specs or crazy high end performance, they’re about fun, instant prints, and kitsch. The Z340 delivers on that - perfect... read more ›
1.5K reads