Hopefully you caught this popular post last quarter. And so it continues here with another review of the top lenses - this time of the top Nikon lenses - my preferred weapon of choice when shooting stills. You already know I rarely write about gear since there are entire websites dedicated to that sophistry but it doesn't change the fact that it's still a top request I get from you, so the way I mitigate... read more ›
256K reads
When the Nikon Df arrived on the scene a couple months back, I tried to temper the hype (my own included) with a good dose of high expectations. Yes, it looked bad ass. Yes, it housed the same sensor as the D4. Yes, the optical viewfinder has 100% field of view. But as a compact camera fiend and someone whose owned probably 50 cameras or more, I'm no pushover. So when Adorama shipped... read more ›
3K reads
Wow. Two new cameras on my blog in one week (here's the other one). I've never been a gear whore and don't like dedicating too much real estate here to it, but I do like me some of these compact cameras. So here we go - quick like. Nikon got the aesthetics right, that's for sure. If it does nothing else, the new Nikon Df is going to make you look like a legit photographer... read more ›
1.1K reads
I was onto the rush of mirrorless cameras pretty early - mostly from manufacturers sharing with me what was "coming soon", but I admit that I didn't really "get" it, until I started receiving early versions, prototypes and demos from the marketing folks at all your fav manufactures. Only then did I truly understand the punch that these little cameras pack - because they're good. I loved the concept, but hated the tiny sensors and... read more ›
55.9K reads
Although gear isn't even close to the most important part of photography, it's still important. And choosing the best camera for your particular needs can be a daunting task - which is why I often get new gear to bang around with and it's also why I associate with smart gear guys like my pal Sohail. In this review, Sohail puts the new Nikon 7100 through its paces in a way that I haven't got... read more ›
10.5K reads
I stumbled on this gem via Kickstarter a week or two ago and reached out to my camera tech pal Sohail to get his take. In short, we cranked out this review in short order to give you a first look AND... I've got another prototype en route to my studio now to put it thru the paces of an actual commercial job... Will report back again after all is said and done, but in... read more ›
2.4K reads
UPDATE: if you dig mirrorless cameras or want to find out why everybody else loves them, you're in luck. creativeLIVE has courses on mirrorless cameras by the talented John Greengo. Go here to check it out, learn more, enroll, etc. ______ I like to shoot with the newest, biggest, baddest DSLR as much as the next guy. And I'm lucky enough to do so on the regs for my commercial work; however, when it comes... read more ›
4.8K reads
UPDATE!! If you’re reading this now – the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into www.chasejarvis.com/live today — 10am SEA time (1pm NYC & 18:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… Photo gear, gadgets, computers, apps, software - it'll be featured....cause've caught ourselves another big kahuna guest for chasejarvisLIVE. My guest THIS Wednesday on #cjLIVE is the web's most influential... read more ›
317 reads