Thomas Middleditch is an actor and comedian best known for his starring role on HBO’s Silicon Valley where he plays Richard, the struggling startup founder. He started his career doing improv theater for the likes of Second City and UCB, and certainly showed off his improv skills during our conversation. Silicon Valley is the only TV show that I watch religiously, due largely in part to its authentic portrayal of the startup world that I... read more ›
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For your weekend viewing pleasure, check out the repost of Entourage star + filmmaker Adrian Grenier on chasejarvisLIVE. It's chock full of entertainment industry goodness and is sure to introduce you to something new that you'll dig. I'm also stoked to announce that we've just booked avant garde cellist Zoë Keating for chasejarvisLIVE on wednesday May 2nd. She's a one-woman orchestra, she's amazing, she's not to be missed. Mark your calendars!
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