When we gaze upon an iconic (or even just a really good) photograph, it’s difficult to think about the work or the passion behind it - we are seeing a documented scene or a crafted image and--unless you are a photographer--most people don’t wonder about the individual who was behind the camera. Sure, the majority of the populace will automatically recognize the photo of the Afghan Girl that was... read more ›
7.6K reads
Do you know how to load a roll of film? Work a light meter? Edit slides on a light table? Scan film? Color correct scans? Track a photo inventory? Submit photos to clients? Work with a stock agency? Make prints? Pack a camera bag? Ship equipment? Set up lights? Scout a location? Drive on the left side of the road? Order food in French? Clean a digital sensor? Work in Photoshop? Create a workflow? Edit... read more ›
1.2K reads
HDSLR video is a great way to get high quality footage on a micro budget; and a great way to keep that budget micro is to be picky about what accessories are right for your setup. I recently received an email question focused on this and--in particular--if I had to choose between the Rode Stereo Videomic or the Zoom H4n, which would I use? So here's a little background on my thinking... 1. Cost. They... read more ›
6.7K reads
Find your thing and do that thing better than anybody else does that thing even if you think that thing has no value because I promise you that it does. And I promise you that other people will see this value too. [I'll continue to post these little notes I scribble out--little journal notes--if you like dig em. Please let me know here, G+ or Twitter. I write them using Amazing Type-writer app for iPhone.... read more ›
5.6K reads
Erik here...As the resident video editor here at Chase Jarvis Inc, I’m on a never ending search for music. Often times the music drives the edit. The rhythm of the music can have a huge influence on the pace for the cuts and the mood can make a hilarious moment tragic. In other instances I get the luxury of having custom music created which is based on my edit of the footage. When that opportunity... read more ›
1.5K reads
60 Second Portrait of uber talented and visionary photographer Chris Jordan. I just love this. [aside: He's been on chasejarvis LIVE here - GREAT episode. His website is here. And if you dig these 60 second portraits, there are lots more Chase Jarvis 60's here.
630 reads
I recently got a flood of questions via Twitter asking about developing a personal photographic style, which made me think about a million conversations I've had with my photographer buddies over the years... And I was wishing I had recorded those. And then I remembered that I DID have one that I recorded from an old chasejarvis LIVE with my pal Zack Arias. He's a fun guy, great shooter and very talented photography instructor. Here's... read more ›
2.4K reads
The following is a transcription excerpt from a conversation a while back on #cjLIVE between yours truly and my dear friend, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet where we discuss gear, professional career, creative vision and more. We've got it on video (link at end of this post), but I think the transcript is nice because you can skim the conversation in just a couple minutes. And there are some nuggets in there... read more ›
655 reads
For those that missed it, we were able to pull together a stripped down re-watch of the recent chasejarvis LIVE with #1 NYTimes best selling author Tim Ferriss. IMHO, this one's not to miss. Some topics covered: 1. How to break through artistic, creative, & business fears. 2. The 80/20 rule. 3. Who's your network? You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with... 4. Be different, not... read more ›
2.8K reads
"Inspiration and creativity, they ride right next to one another...Not everyday are you going to wake up, the clouds are gonna part and the rays are gonna come down...sometimes you gotta just get in there and force yourself to work and maybe something good will come out of it." -Jack White on creativity. From a great documentary called Under Great White Northern Lights. My take? You must take a picture every day. Maybe something good... read more ›
2.9K reads