Hey photo friends, Erik here with my quick 2 cents on a new product that has sparked some debate here in the CJ Studio. The Impossible Project has a Kickstarter campaign for their new "Impossible Instant Lab", which will "transform your digital iPhone images into real instant photographs that you can touch, caress and share with friends." Take a look at the Kickstarter video for all the details: I should love this thing. I... read more ›
405 reads
Got a wild hair one day last week and had a BLAST making this little video about the new Polaroid Z340 -- a blend of old analog and new digital technologies. Hope you dig it enough to have a laugh, watch it again, and forward to your friends. Polaroid has never been about specs or crazy high end performance, they’re about fun, instant prints, and kitsch. The Z340 delivers on that - perfect... read more ›
1.5K reads
If you know anything about me, you know that creating multi-disciplinary, socially enabled art AND getting unlikely people together into one community are really important tenets to my career and my life. It’s with that in mind that I’m today spilling the beans to you about a project on which I’ve quietly been building for the past couple months in collaboration with my friends at Polaroid. It’s a group art show called 50 | 50... read more ›
1K reads
Y'all are well aware of my relationship and long-time love affair with Polaroid. Well, back when the film went out of manufacturing, a now-friend of mine Dr. Florian Kaps took on a project that some called impossible--the resurrection of the old-style instant films. He bought up the last Polaroid film factory in the Netherlands and has succeeded in bringing back instant film from a near death. This video--looks to be a TV short... read more ›
1K reads
You knew it was coming. A bazillion of you have been asking and now you are among the first to know: the Polaroid GL10 Mobile Instant Printer that was announced back at CES in January is now available for pre-order, but more importantly, it will hit some actual retail shelves first thing this morning in limited quantities. The GL10 (I've been fondly calling it the Polaprinter) was... read more ›
7.2K reads
Since we're not tracking image by image whose work is hanging daily at the gallery in the Ace NYC (it's on a near constant rotation of prints - hundreds per day), we'll continue to publish vids like this and still images for you all to check out. REMINDER: this gallery wall changes every day, sometimes 2x per day, with 100-200 new images going up in every update. Stay tuned for yours. Still humbled... read more ›
327 reads
Friends, co-consiprators, co-inspirators, and anyone else who's just dropping in for the first time. I am so very excited. Hopefully you tuned into today's chasejarvisLIVE broadcast where I announced my latest project called Dasein: An Invitation to Hang. In case you missed it, check out the above video and details below. In short, it's important to me that you know enough about the project that you'd be willing to participate...to display your work right beside... read more ›
6.8K reads