The field of affordable mirrorless cameras is widening, even as the gulf in quality between said cameras and DSLRs narrows. I've gone so far as to call them DSLR-killers in the past. A little tongue in cheek there, but wrapped in a nice dose of optimism. On the whole these rigs are lighter, more compact and pack a decent punch. They're definitely the bomb for for street photographers and the kick the shit out of... read more ›
7.4K reads
I was onto the rush of mirrorless cameras pretty early - mostly from manufacturers sharing with me what was "coming soon", but I admit that I didn't really "get" it, until I started receiving early versions, prototypes and demos from the marketing folks at all your fav manufactures. Only then did I truly understand the punch that these little cameras pack - because they're good. I loved the concept, but hated the tiny sensors and... read more ›
59.9K reads