Looking to learn how to thrive under pressure? Kelly McGonigal has your answers. She's made a career with the power of psychology, using it to help people improve their mental health and overall wellbeing. Her insights have reached all sorts of audiences; her first two books, The Willpower Instinctand The Upside of Stress, are bestsellers with tens of thousands of copies sold worldwide. Kelly's expertise helped form Stanford's innovative Compassion Cultivation Training program that's... read more ›
899 reads
We all know that a key element to health is exercise but these days many of us are cooped up at home. So I went to one of the leaders in physical health to chat about what we can do during this time. Dr. Kelly Starrett works with professional athletes, Olympic teams, universities, and elite military. He is the New York Times bestselling author of Becoming a Supple Leopard and Ready to Run. He is... read more ›
813 reads
We often chase our dreams at the expense of our bodies. In the dogged pursuit of what we call success, we often don’t think about our bodies until they start to hurt. Dr. Kelly Starrett is redefining the way we think about success to include our basic physical health. His approach to movement, mechanics, and mobility isn’t just for athletes-- it’s a path toward health and wholeness for virtually anyone. Kelly works with professional athletes,... read more ›
2.6K reads