One of the world’s most powerful women in business, Beth Comstock, recently left a 27 year career at GE as their Chief Marketing Officer and Vice Chair to go in a completely different direction - to a new life beyond the enterprise-exec world where her new areas of focus include writing, art, exploration and discovery. Rarely do we see or hear of these evolutions - where someone like Beth who is so accomplished in big... read more ›
1.4K reads
HA! You asked for another #cjRAW behind-the-scenes photo/video shoot...and so I'm DELIVERING! That's right, in this episode of #cjRAW, I take you on location to photograph SERENA WILLIAMS, ROGER FEDERER and half dozen more of the BEST TENNIS STARS IN THE WORLD (while shooting a campaign for Wilson Tennis). Working smoothly with pro athletes or celebrities or otherwise fancy people on set is under-recognized, but highly valuable skill. Put bluntly - it is almost always... read more ›
5K reads
The popular Red Bull Illume photo contest is in its third year, and it is attracting deep talent. Photographers and their athlete subjects have combined forces to create some mind blowing imagery. Below are 13 shots that I just had to share. It's hard to decide what's more impressive in a many... read more ›
1.2K reads
If you're looking for your next creative breakthrough or if you're in a job you hate and looking to make a change, this video from Dan Wieden of legendary Wieden + Kennedy agency in Portland is a worthy 15 min of your time. The intro is slow (a Portland love fest...) so skip in a few min if you're watching the clock. Here's what's in this video that I like: - dan is a really... read more ›
453 reads
Whereas most photographers think any paying gig is a good gig, Jonathon Kambouris knows otherwise. Perhaps more than most, he's come to know that great personal work wins commercial campaigns that are right in his wheelhouse. As the saying goes, when you do what you really love, you never work a day in your life... First, here are seventeen facts about Mr. Kambouris. Below those, we get into the nitty gritty and get him dropping... read more ›
1.4K reads