Ditch the idea of yourself as a starving artist. Throw away the notion that you’re doomed to be another poor creative soul. My long time pal Ramit Sethi is back on the show to remind us we need to get back on track to building and living a rich life. And believe me, that doesn’t have to mean cutting back the lattes. Ramit has been on the show a few times, but if you haven’t... read more ›
799 reads
It’s easy to look as those who are seemingly wealthy and think — oh, that’s so unachievable. They’re standing on a mountaintop somewhere, waving that “I’m rich” flag. Not so fast. David Bach thinks you can wave that flag too - while earning “enough,” but a lot less than you think. David Bach is a 9-time New York Times bestselling author and one of America’s favorite financial experts of our time. He has taught millions... read more ›
1.1K reads
Mindset is everything. And today on the podcast, I wanted to share a strong point of view on MONEY - something that’s a struggle for most creators and entrepreneurs. Enter: Tonya Rapley! Tonya is the author of The Money Manual: A Practical Guide To Help You Succeed on Your Financial Journey. She’s been called the "New Face of Wealth Building” by Black Enterprise Magazine, and one of the “Top 10 Most Influential Women in Personal Finance.”. She’s also the founder... read more ›
611 reads
David Bach is a legend in the personal finance space — a master at helping creators and entrepreneurs make -and keep- more of the money we earn. He’s one of America’s best known financial gurus, having put nine consecutive books on the NYT best sellers list. In short, when David Bach talks - and you’re a creator who wants to make money - you listen. We had David in the CL studios not long ago... read more ›
2K reads
When I saw this recent post strike a nerve, it motivated me to share this post from my man Ramit Sethi on charging what you're worth. Today he's back by popular demand to share a simple one-two approach to setting your prices and upping your earning potential. Pencils ready? Okay, take it away Ramit. Thanks, Chase. I recently asked a photographer how she came up with her pricing. She said, “Well... I researched my competition and found... read more ›
23.8K reads
Put bluntly, if we creatives want to make a real livelihood with our work - we need to realize that the business end of the stick if we're holding. And while you know I'm always up for the occasional rant on this topic, I today decided to save myself a few blood vessels and some hot air, and instead passed the baton over to my homie, best-selling business/finance author and master of psychology, Ramit Sethi.... read more ›
5.1K reads