I'm not a photojournalist by trade, but I am a member of the photography community and as such I'm always on the lookout to bring awareness to basic violations of our First Amendment rights. A few weeks back the National Photograpaher's Press Association joined a lawsuit against the NYPD. Sean D. Elliot, President of NPPA, stated that NPPA joined the lawsuit so that “it can effectively address the... read more ›
538 reads
This video which seems to have been released by Houston Mayor Annise Parker as a part of the...ahem... Run, Hide, Fight series is nuts. I understand the need for awareness and diligence toward creeps (not just in the USA and not just terrorists) but this ummm "awareness" is over the top - particularly with regard to photographers. After watching the video and others in the series, there are basically two groups that appear... read more ›
1.4K reads
Seems like every week I'm reading another story of the rights of photojournalists getting stomped on. Today, no exception. In this Virginia case, the cops seized unpublished photos from the James Madison University newspaper using a search warrant that violates journalist's privilege under the First Amendment, the Virginia Constitution and common law. "The settlement ends a month-and-a-half long debate over the photos, which began when someone from the prosecutor's office called the student newspaper a... read more ›
587 reads