"The good thing about being young is that we are not experienced enough to know we cannot possibly do the things we are doing." - Gene BrownHow dope is this? I hope I'm not alone in thinking how amazing it is that there's a cross section of our culture that's getting to make stuff like this in public high school film & media classes. (Note: this was probably inspired by an earlier lipdub vid... read more ›
165 reads
Not Shooting Lights as in photographing with strobes, but as in a new SFEAD track from The Blakes.If you hang around these parts online, you know all there is to know about my Songs For Eating and Drinking project with my buddy Hebb. No frills, world class music, good vibes. Stills, video, audio. Here's another exclusive performance from one of those evenings this summer. Take a break from pressing your face against your camera... read more ›
164 reads
I can't help but think that somebody forgot to dot an i or cross a t somewhere, because yours truly has just been asked to give away $100,000 of somebody else's money. Yep you read that correctly. 100. LARGE. That somebody is Nikon, and I'm not alone in this endeavor. I've got some accomplices: Rainn Wilson (from 'The Office') and Justine Ezarik (iJustine). The three of us have been charged with choosing one winner in... read more ›
430 reads
This one has been a long time coming. Today, I'm happy and proud to share with you my first foray into music videos. It's a video for The Blakes titled "Ramshackle Hearse." You may remember my love affair with the band. Ever since I put their track "Don't Bother Me" behind Chase Jarvis RAW: Advance Testing the Nikon D90, I've been enamored with their rough pop sound. It's after midnight now, and I'm holed... read more ›
699 reads
If you're a regular here, you'll know exactly want I mean when I say please enjoy some new SFEAD vids here on this lovely Friday, skip the next paragraph and head straight to the music.If you've not been around for a while then you should know I'm passionate about music. And you'll want to know (or be reminded) that SFEAD stands for Song For Eating And Drinking, a project I created with my pal... read more ›
320 reads
Alright. This is just plain cooler than cool. All y'all have seen photography's "painting with light", the technique where you leave the shutter on your camera open for a long time, use a light and drag it around in the frame, and get some cool stuff, writing, shapes, etc. But what do you get when you fuse this technique with one of hip hop culture's oldest pastimes? You get HALO, the brain-child of Parisian artist,... read more ›
328 reads
Love her or don't, but she's been a formidable photographer for decades. And this week, Annie was in Seattle pushing her new book "Annie Leibovitz at Work". You may have caught her more polished interview on NPR earlier in the week, but local NPR host Steve Scher managed a longer and more gritty interview with her after her talk here Wednesday at Benaroya Hall. Almost without regard to the content, I'm usually more interested in... read more ›
599 reads
I know it's hard, but put your political beliefs entirely on hold for just a minute. I'm only asking you to do this because that's what it'll take for you to get the point of this post. Over at Jim Goldstein's blog, there's a brilliant dissection of this gun-toting, bikini-sporting Sarah Palin composited image that recently made it's way all over the world. The interview is not a dissection of what Sarah Palin is or... read more ›
268 reads