Hello my internet friends! Today is a very exciting day. I'm proud to announce 28 to Make: daily creative project ideas. Short version: I want you to join me and some friends in a global 28 day movement to dramatically enhance your creativity - and maybe your life. Longer version? Read on...but it's basically just pure awesome, and very simple, low friction, zero cost and just 5 minutes per day to way way way up... read more ›
4K reads
Hey, y'all, this show already wrapped on June 18, but you'd do yourself a huge solid to catch the re-watch on Youtube below or on the CreativeLive website here. Thanks as always for tuning in, and to be the first to learn about upcoming cjLIVE episodes, make sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter right here. REMINDER: this show is TODAY Wed, June 18, at NOON San Francisco time (3pm NYC, 20:00 London) and is... read more ›
1.1K reads
Unless you've been living under a rock, we've all heard of the 365 day projects - where a photographer takes a photo of something in their life every day for a year. (You might also have been living under a rock if you missed my new "Emerging Talent" series announcement...). With 365 projects - not unlike new years resolutions - many start, few finish. One photographer, a young fellow named Alex Stoddard, not only finished... read more ›
14.6K reads
When we gaze upon an iconic (or even just a really good) photograph, it’s difficult to think about the work or the passion behind it - we are seeing a documented scene or a crafted image and--unless you are a photographer--most people don’t wonder about the individual who was behind the camera. Sure, the majority of the populace will automatically recognize the photo of the Afghan Girl that was... read more ›
7.5K reads
If you're up for shooting something this weekend, I've got an assignment for you. Read on. Backstory: Between 1989 and 1997 photographer Andrew Bush made hundreds of pictures of people driving. They became a book. That book blows me away - I've probably given 10 or more copies as gifts (even blogged it a while ago). But that's not my point... The images are concurrently insightful, evocative, even hilarious on occasion...overall incredibly amusing to peruse,... read more ›
852 reads
I feel like I’ve seen a lot of the world in my relatively short life. I’ve hiked, camped, climbed, and adventured plenty on most of the continents. I’ve gone to some pretty remote places and seen some pretty remarkable stuff, but I’ve rarely been as connected to the earth as much as I’ve been in the past week. Being plucked from my daily life, the mayhem of a modern age, and then dropped into a... read more ›
792 reads