Hey, y'all, this show already wrapped on June 18, but you'd do yourself a huge solid to catch the re-watch on Youtube below or on the CreativeLive website here. Thanks as always for tuning in, and to be the first to learn about upcoming cjLIVE episodes, make sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter right here. REMINDER: this show is TODAY Wed, June 18, at NOON San Francisco time (3pm NYC, 20:00 London) and is... read more ›
1.1K reads
What's in a dream? For me, dreams have always been an incredibly powerful driver for creativity. At least a day or two every week, I wake up at 3am, scurry out of bed and make some notes about a future piece of work, an idea that needs development,etc. In short, the rooms of our subconscious are ripe with fruit for the picking. I've been considering creating a series of images of my own dreams and... read more ›
4.8K reads