A few years back you may recall I dove head-first into a project that explored my home city of Seattle. I interviewed, photographed, and filmed the movers, the shakers, and the changemakers to better understand the culture of my city's beating heart. 106 influencers in total, across almost every creative discipline -- music, food, theater, athletics, activism, education, you name it. I went on to publish a 250 page fine hardback fine art book, gallery... read more ›
1.7K reads
Before the Internet made sourcing new music and rising bands a simple matter of keystrokes, bookmarks and RSS feeds, there was the radio DJ. Those with an insatiable thirst for the fresh and undiscovered relied on the savvy DJ with the right connections to feed us a steady diet of the up and coming, the unsigned, the ones-to-keep-an-eye-on. For the unsigned and undiscovered, it was said DJ who provided the air time, created the buzz... read more ›
561 reads