A couple years ago, you may recall, during a month-long artist-in-residency at the Ace Hotel in NYC I took the opportunity to celebrate the snapshot -- quintessential street photography -- and I called the exhibit Dasein: Invitation to Hang. ['Dasein' is a German word used by philosophers to refer to raw human experience or the fundamental mode of "being there." I found that when applied to photography, the snapshot was the ultimate photographic expression of... read more ›
13.5K reads
There is a raw, metaphysical power in snapshots that cannot be denied. Throughout my career I have been hired or commissioned to create very specific technical photos. There are lights and crews and mechanics involved - and while it's incredibly creative - it's also complicated. There is a purity and undeniable power in a snapshot. I recently came across these stunning snapshots (via Flavorwire), spanning 50... read more ›
2.6K reads
Many of you have been asking to see more of what the gallery looks like for my artist in residency at the Ace Hotel New York... So here's a quick tour & an explanation of each feature in the installation. Included is a peek at the main gallery wall of 350 images, plus a quick run down of current 10 favorites. Thanks to you this project just continues to accelerate and grow. Keep... read more ›
332 reads
I was in Paris last week. Part work, but mostly fun. Eating, drinking, being merry, and of course, snapping photos my iPhone--as I do everyday--with no end goal beyond staying creatively engaged. I was just now kicking through photos from the trip and stumbled on a couple of snapshots I thought were interesting for various reasons. I’ve posted stuff like this before and was really excited by the resulting discussion, so I figured I'd throw... read more ›
1.7K reads