Hey there Mr./Ms. Creative. How are your social skills? Think you can get by on raw talent? Think your agent, rep, manager or business partner is going to take care of that fluffy customer-facing stuff so you can be a reclusive artist, camera-hider-behinder? Think again. Like it or not, the feeling you've been feeling all along is becoming more pronounced. Call it unfair, call it fake, call it whatever you want, but as the world... read more ›
746 reads
I jumped on Google+ last week to explore sharing some content. Let's be friends...er...that's Facebook. My profile is here. Please add me to some of your circles. Just uploaded a photo from the drive in movies last Saturday. Besides that I'll be adding more content soon. Looking forward to exploring this w/ you, sharing work, etc, and thanks to all you who have been flipping me invites for the past eons, especially my pal, Robert... read more ›
158 reads