All you need to know: _Yes - it really was that steep. What's that old saying, "Measure twice, cut once?" Same applies for spending time finding the hard to find angle. _That's Jill Kintner on the bike. Badass. Have a great weekend.
472 reads
Last week, I lost a dear, dear friend. Many of you probably heard about the fatal avalanche at Stevens Pass, WA, that claimed three lives. It made international news. My close pal Chris Rudolph was one of the victims. At just 30 years old, he was one of the kindest, most generous, talented people I knew. He loved the mountains. He loved to ski in the rain. He was the Ambassador of all things Rad.... read more ›
6.9K reads
Apologies that today's post is bit late, but that's cause I'm tied up...ahem..."working". Here's Scott finishing the morning work session. Might be spring where you're at, but it's the dead of winter here at Stevens Pass and that's just fine with me. Continue reading
383 reads
Here's the Friday Photo of the Week. Was feeling wintery and I couldn't help myself. Tell us if you like and why/why not. Behind the scenes "making of" this shot and the camera/lens/spec details after the jump...Continue reading
803 reads