Austin Kleon likes to call himself “a writer who draws.” He is the best selling author of three illustrated books (Newspaper Blackout, Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work), and one of the most insightful voices on the topic of creativity. He’s been featured on media institutions like NPR’s Morning Edition, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS Newshour and speaks for organizations such as Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx, and The Economist.... read more ›
4.9K reads
Hey, y'all, this show already wrapped on June 18, but you'd do yourself a huge solid to catch the re-watch on Youtube below or on the CreativeLive website here. Thanks as always for tuning in, and to be the first to learn about upcoming cjLIVE episodes, make sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter right here. REMINDER: this show is TODAY Wed, June 18, at NOON San Francisco time (3pm NYC, 20:00 London) and is... read more ›
1.1K reads
UPDATE: this is TODAY! starting at 9am SEA time (11am Austin, 12noon NYC, 17:00 London) you can join into the conversation with your truly + the most creative minds from photo, design, tech & music. If I do my job right, you'll get more insight in a weekend than at a semester of any college - all from people who have found success. LIVE at Ask questions all day at #UberLIVE or... read more ›
450 reads
24 You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, on last week's special addition of chasejarvisLIVE (during the week-long creativeLIVE broadcast extravaganza of FREE photo education PhotoWeek) we connected LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout), speaker (giving the keynote this year at SXSW!), a NY... read more ›
4.6K reads
UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY September 18th - 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) - mark your schedules and flip your dial to You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, I plan to connect you LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout),... read more ›
652 reads
UPDATE: here's a recording of our chat...above! Thanks to all of you who watched live. __ LIVE today at 9:30 PDT, 10:30 Aspen, 12:30 NYT, 17:30 London right here on the blog or on my YouTube channel I'm smack dab in the middle of shooting next year's campaign for Aspen (last years BTS video here with octocopers and wicked visuals) but had the morning off and managed to wrangle a couple friends for a... read more ›
189 reads
As we artists continue to be forced to become entrepreneurs in our own right (see this episode of #cjLIVE with Zoe Keating), all things entrepreneurial are of interest to me... How can we channel our creative stuff into thinking into light, fast and hardcore focus like most startups are forced to think. The correlation is not a perfect one, but it's expressly relevant to us creatives. It's relevant for me not only in... read more ›
283 reads