After more than a decade covering conflict, photographer and filmmaker Ami Vitale couldn’t help but notice that the less sensational—but equally true—stories were often not getting told: the wedding happening around the corner from the revolution, triumphs amidst seemingly endless devastation. As a result, she re-committed herself to seeking out the stories within and around "the story". Ami is a photographer with National Geographic magazine, yet this episode of the podcast isn't expressly about photography.... read more ›
1.3K reads
Damn if the weather this summer hasn't alternated between drought conditions and torrential storms. One week the plants are wilting, the next, they're looking for a snorkel, trying their damnedest not to drown. Sorta the same with people. For us USA'ers, this weekend is a holiday weekend, but regardless where you are, this weekend largely marks the beginning of a seasonal shift. As such, I've found 9 reasons that you should get off your arse,... read more ›
680 reads