I was just recently commissioned for a campaign and shot about 1000 images to capture final image for this well known sports company. In the end, it came down to the two images above. As is usually the case, the final image is tough to choose, with lots of factors under consideration, lots of stakeholders picking their favorite. There was much debate.
I’ve posted stuff like this before and was really excited by the resulting discussion, so I figured I’d throw it out there again… WHICH IS BETTER, A or B?
Vote in the comments. Love to know ‘why’ if you care to explain your thoughts. 600 px wide versions of each image after the jump…hit [‘continue reading’ below]. After you all weigh in, I’ll tell you which one was used and why.
This is PHOTO A, below.
THIS is PHOTO B, below.
I look at Image B and find it almost irresistible, of courser it would depend on the context and you as the photographer would prescribe the correct image to the commisioned campaign, however for me without any knowledge what this campaign would be.. I choose Image B really because ti’s asymmetrically balanced and is far more attention grabbing to me than a clean image (like image A).
My 2¢..
Definately A.
The lensflare in B is so bright it almost looks like some sort of Hollywoord explosion!
I prefer B.
I like the flare, It centers my attention on the runner. And her shadow it’s stronger, I like that too.
Thought A cause its clearer but agree the flare in B could be used as a design feature with text or something.
Gotta say A for me.
Not a fan of images blurred out by flare.