A U.S. Marine with Weapons Co., 2/8 out of Camp Lejeune North Carolina, catches the last moments of sleep before the sun rises over a temporary base nicknamed "Patrol Base Suc" in Northern Marja, Helmand Provence, southern Afghanistan on June 13, 2011. U.S. Marines are patrolling with Afghan security forces through northern Marja. Last year, Marja was the site of a major US military offensive to take back the area from Taliban fighters. But there are still pockets of Taliban throughout the area.
Denver DUI Attorney
This is absolutely brilliant! Congratulations on trying to revitalize the written word no texting, no email, no whatever’s next! I don’t own a computer proud of being “computer free”. Maybe old fashioned, but receiving a hand written letter is heading to be so refreshing! Thank you for focusing on a rapidly declining art the hand written letter and/or note.Can’t wait to receive my first letter! Judy Robertson