I learned to light after years of deconstructing the work of other photographers. And I know from your previous feedback that you guys are fond of these posts, so let’s dig into another one.
How did I make this picture?
Is it a lucky snapshot?
Is it lit?
If so, how?
The camera Settings?
The direction?
Post production?
Whatever details you think are needed to make this image.
Looking forward to you trying to pick this apart… I’ll reveal everything in a followup post. The person who gets the closest gets… …a chest bump and a pizza, or signed book or something. Don’t be shy. Let er rip.
My guess,
2 hard lights, one either side and both slightly behind model.
f8 or so, 250th
shot from low angle with model “jumping”
but i also like the plexiglass idea
shot on black background
Large soft box on the left, 3/4 behind her. Strip box on the right side, a little lower than the large softbox on the left to light the bottom portion of her body. The light is position a little behind her so it doesn’t light up her front or face. It’s also a stop higher than the left light, or it’s closer to the subject than the left light. There’s a bounce card in the left front to get catch light in her eyes. Depending on what camera you use, you prob shot at 200th of a second to stop motion, can’t go any higher to avoid the mirror. F8 to get the depth. ISO 100. Shot on black background.
Lit…..two banks, one camera right behind the subject at, maybe 45, for rim lighting….. the other camera left, closer to equal with the subject…… I would say f-8……. s 250……. ISO 400. POST: maybe punching the blacks up with curves……
Black Seamlees
Direction: Agreement on the move performed
Medium to big softbox at Camera left
Strip light to the right
Both gridded
Broncolor A-Heads
Camera settings
1/250 sec
Nikon D3s
Pocket Wizards
Aperture basics
B&w in photoshop “ChaseJarvis cocktail”
Lucky Shot?
I guess so, I think she probably miss the intended light spot by and inch or so plus some rotation, that’s why we got that massive shadow in front side of the body that turned out to be really interesting.
I really enjoy this exercise. Thanks everyone
If this was done with her leaping, you are not a photographer; you’re a wizard. The subtle shadows on her leg? That doesn’t say chance to me.
I’m guessing splits on the ground, a bare, maybe diffused strobe on camera right 45 deg behind, softbox slightly below her head ~60 degrees behind, bit higher power than the other.
I’m gonna say f10-11 but maybe more as she’s pretty sharp throughout… 1/250, ISO100-200 (lowest native ISO, depending on the camera it was shot on). >135mm focal length shot from high up… however high to fill the frame, cut out in post and composed on black background.
If, though, this wasn’t setup up similar to this and an actual jump, and you got the shadows, the expression on her face, perfect posing of her hands, body and the jump all in one shot, my mind is well and truly *blown*. Hell, even as a staged shot, this is absolutely wonderful, such a beautiful image.
Well done, sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar 😛