IKEA may seem like nothing more than a necessary evil for those who don’t wanna drop a full paycheck on a single piece of furniture (and hey, their pre-fab systems and some in-store displays are actually quite innovative…), but this here is some next level shiz: an eco-friendly, cardboard-bodied digital camera.
Shoots/stores up to 40 images, uses AA batteries (which, if you can find them hiding in the remote control, are a lot more convenient than clunky camera batteries which require special chargers), and it even features a super-handy swing-out USB plug for downloading your pure photo gold.
Not available in stores yet, but anticipated soon. And… not saying this will replace your iphone/droid, but I guarantee it’ll be a conversation-starter at parties or on location for your next commercial gig…
via engadget.
Haha, awesome, really like this thing 🙂
If people are hoping to get clean crisp images from this then keep looking. I can envision this camera as a tool to spark creativity and after all, isn’t that why we all got into photography?
I dont, really have a question about how to aproach getting an assistant, I would like to become one. I am a local hairdresser, Charlotte NC and love artistic, very edgy work, my brother and sister are into photoghrophy, more freelance, I worked with him on a job with an important person and saw how working together is the key, as with my industry with hair and behind the scences in a hair show, I loved it! True talent is the key as with teamwork, If you could at least get me connections if anyone is hirring I’d love to help, I’m a hairdresser and do airbrush makeup I trained in NY and love that as well, please respond,
Nice, am I the only one who is asking about how the pictures look like which this camera is producing?
Nico – Germany