Here’s another 60 Second Portrait, starring Mike Relm this time. I shot this after our recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE. If you dig it, check out the rest of my 60 Second Portraits here.
357 reads
On Tuesday my post on backing up your digital data elicited hundreds of responses online. Many of you had a good quip on a time-tested methodology on how to back up your most treasured memories: print them. What a concept - the photo as an object. As our culture ebbs and, largely FLOWS to just some bits and bytes on a hardrive or server somewhere, an actual physical... read more ›
1.2K reads
I’ve said it before, but it would be remiss not to mention it again: Back up your data. Sad reminder of this again when I saw a recent story on PetaPixel about a guy who is taking Apple to court over lost baby photos, saying the failure of a storage device caused him to lose priceless memories. Perminder Tung used an Apple Time Capsule... read more ›
3.2K reads
A friend of mine always has the same weird thought when visiting Las Vegas, "What would an alien make of this place in a totally abandoned state? Can you imagine the ruins of a slot machine with no context?" It's these weird thoughts that can lead to your next piece of personal work. Mine usually come at 3am. An example of some post-apocalyptic creativity is Richard Allenby-Pratt’s series... read more ›
693 reads
14 I love what GoPro is making possible. These are things I've been asking for from a lot of manufacturers for years. I'm excited someone is listening.
869 reads
If you’re primarily an on-location photographer or filmmaker, then you know how much value a great location can add to the shoot. This is the blog's new series, Best Photo Locations, where I feature supercool locations around the world. Stuff I discover, stuff that others send me, places I’d love to shoot. Of course feel free to chime in, share, link, or otherwise contribute in your own way.... read more ›
41.2K reads
I just received a very inspiring email. I thought it was worth sharing. I’ve changed or left out some of the personal details to protect the privacy of the sender. “Hey Chase, It worked. Everything you said worked. I declared myself a photographer, got business cards, set up an LLC, pumped out shots and handed them out like mad. I DECIDED this is who I am, and it's like the whole world conspired in my favor.... read more ›
1.5K reads
I'm headed back to New York city this week. The city has a unique way of pushing photographers and filmmakers to be more creative. The constant pulse of visual inspiration is motivational. My own work has been given the occasional Big Apple boost - in fact, it was just one year ago that I wrapped up my Dasein: An Invitation to Hang installation at the Ace Hotel. The mini-doc and some of my conclusions on... read more ›
798 reads
It's summertime and the weekend is here. I had the good fortune of discovering this fresh Brazilian cocktail this week in Guaruja surrounded by old and new friends. I highly recommend you try it out. Have a great weekend. Ingredients: 3 small chopped seeded lemons or small oranges, limes, tangerines (no need to peel) 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon grated peeled ginger 3/4... read more ›
1.8K reads
Here are some behind-the-scenes snapshots of my time here in Brazil with Mike Horn. Although we are almost done here, our collaboration with Mike and the Pangaea is just beginning. Much much more to come. Pay attention for our next trip to South Africa in a few weeks. Click through some of the above photos to see what we’ve been up to.
1.1K reads