UPDATE!! If you’re reading this now – the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into http://www.chasejarvis.com/live today — 11am SEA time (2pm NYC & 19:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… ——- Now more than ever before, we artists are entrepreneurs. Born from opportunity or necessity or both, we have become the CEO’s of ourselves. We create our art and... read more ›
746 reads
Earth Day was yesterday. And it wasn't just about wearing tie-dyed shirts made of hemp and talking about recycling. It was and always will ALSO be about ruminating on how much cool, beautiful, amazing shiznit there is on this planet. The... read more ›
946 reads
For your weekend viewing pleasure, check out the repost of Entourage star + filmmaker Adrian Grenier on chasejarvisLIVE. It's chock full of entertainment industry goodness and is sure to introduce you to something new that you'll dig. I'm also stoked to announce that we've just booked avant garde cellist Zoë Keating for chasejarvisLIVE on wednesday May 2nd. She's a one-woman orchestra, she's amazing, she's not to be missed. Mark your calendars!
612 reads
We're so innundated with photos these days. If you miss a loved one, you can just pull up a Facebook page or shoot them a text asking for a picture of what they're doing. But what if you were locked away with limited access to images. What would you ask... read more ›
2.5K reads
While we USA folks were struggling to get our taxes handled a couple days ago on April 15th, we shouldn't have been fussing or celebrating, we should have been thinking of the lives lost aboard the RMS Titanic--which sunk 100 years ago on that day. Since this week marks that horrific -- albeit fascinating -- event that has held our culture's attention... read more ›
17.8K reads
Young NYC based photographer Ignacio Torres gave me cause for pause with his fascinating photographs that look like they come straight from the mind of Carl Sagan ("we are all made of star stuff"). Torres used three dimensional gifs to make these photographs even more dynamic. Click through the gallery image tabs above for more examples of Torres' work. Here's what he has to say about his "Stellar" project: This project began from the theory... read more ›
2.7K reads
Posted for your enjoyment, The Lumineers perform a stunning set on chasejarvis LIVE, recorded April 3rd at my Garage studio in Seattle. Guest appearance but one of the best radio DJ's in the world, John Richards about half way thru. Enjoy. Share with music loving friends if you dig it. ____
1.1K reads
Hey photo friends - Erik here. While I'm typically the video guy around these parts, I wanted to hop on the blog to quickly tell you about a piece of camera gear that I’ve been enjoying lately. I picked up a Tilt Transformer from Lensbaby about a month ago and it’s now a permanent piece of my walk-around photography kit. The Tilt Transformer allows you to mount your Nikon lenses to a Micro Four Thirds... read more ›
2K reads
In the last few months, tornados have ripped through much of midwest. The wreckage is crazy, many people have lost everything--some even their lives--and aide workers are doing their best to piece it all back together. There a few photos of the storms themselves--which are huge and scary--but mostly, there are tons of photos of the aftermath...destroyed houses, overturned cars, ruined farms...which kind of fall into the... read more ›
731 reads
My homies over at Flavorwire ran a really cool gallery of cameras made out of unusual stuff--like trees, shells, and--like you see in the photo above, a turtle shell (no turtles were harmed in the making...only natural causes of death...)... Which got me thinking: cameras have been along so long, people have had the chance to do some really weird stuff with them. Though a lot of manufacturers might have you think differently, the body... read more ›
8.4K reads