More often than not, the underlying vision behind a great piece of art - a photo, a film, a painting, a play, a whatever - comes from a single source. Dostoevsky hatched the vision for The Brothers Karamozov, Andreas Gursky for his huge surreal images, Warhol for his Brillo boxes. But in almost every case, making art, sharing it, selling it, giving it wings, and cultivating it's adoption throughout popular culture requires that the creative... read more ›
458 reads
I stumbled on this a while ago and forgot to share... The controversial UK teen show came to the USA. Let's skip the debate about the morality of the content--whether it's exploitative or informative or neither. On a purely visual basis, I'd say Writer/Director Evan Silver comes up gold in the promotional intro to MTV's "Skins" about the youth gone wild. IMHO it's dope. Inspirational cinematography that's not over the top technically. Well written. A... read more ›
620 reads
No doubt you've seen some images from the earthquake and tsunami like these here from the NY Times/AP. The devastation in Japan is horrific, as is the state of affairs, the deaths, missing people, damaged lives and immeasurable property damage. Unthinkable sadness. The photos too are extremely powerful. In kind, in their quietness, in scale. In short, they are completely surreal. The ability for a photograph... read more ›
1.1K reads
[The debate continues about whether or not iPads are good portfolios for photographers and filmmakers. But those considerations aside, one thing I KNOW is that the iPad is great for is displaying photo & video content in a gallery setting, or on a studio wall in a waiting area. So in pure coincidence with Apple's announcement today that the iPad2 is now available (early), Dartanyon has written up a post about how we made our... read more ›
1.3K reads
In a followup to yesterdays post Stolen Photograph: A New Look at an Old Problem, which saw a lot of traffic and great discussion, I thought it would be prudent to share a poignant panel discussion I was recently a part of in NYC that addresses this topic head-on. It's a dichotomy we all likely are dealing with... Simply put, most of us creatives want it both ways. We want a system that maintains our... read more ›
487 reads
This started making the rounds yesterday. The Stolen Scream: A Story About Noam Galai. I thought it important to post here. Wanted your thoughts to be a part of the conversation. IMHO, this is: Exciting. Scary. Different. Opportunistic. Cannibalistic. Visionary. Divisive. Should we celebrate it or hate it? Lawsuits or a new suit of clothes that recognizes the times? Two obvious sides with no obvious answer. And on and on... It's our newest classic challenge... read more ›
1.3K reads
This work deserves a more in depth sharing at a later date, but in short I've done some recent work with the(RED) project around new ways to document, cultivate and otherwise further explore the intersection of music with film & photography. Things beyond the music video, honestly. Real integration, raw integration that sprouts up organically or from small, simple roots. The particular work I was doing on the day we shot the above was literally... read more ›
815 reads
[Erik here with a quick guest post about some videos I wanted to share. I find them incredibly informative and inspiring, and I hope you do to.] Robert Rodriguez is a special breed of filmmaker, a breed that we'll continue to see more and more of as filmmaking technology becomes increasingly accessible and affordable. The do-it-yourselfers who are so technically savvy that they can oversee and drive every aspect of their production. Since his first... read more ›
5.7K reads
[Scott here with another guest blog post. Today I hope to save you some time and heartache by giving you the nuts and bolts of editing large volume shoots...] Painful memories I have: My first breakup, my first deceased pet, my first time moving, but perhaps most painful of them all is this; my first attempt at editing 15,000 photos. Such overwhelming volume, such slow progress, so many similar photos. Why, oh why, did they... read more ›
13.4K reads
I grew up listening to punk and metal. But mostly punk. Dead Kennedys. Sex Pistols. Minor Threat. Suicidal Tendencies. Skate. Surf, etc. I still love this music and I have a ton of respect and appreciation for the DIY ethos--and aesthetic--that this culture created. And not just the music either. I'm drawn to the art, the films, and particularly the... read more ›
1K reads