I missed this when it came out last month, but I'm smitten with the concept and decided it must be shared. Regardless of whether you like the track or not... Reminds us why art and new media is so freaking cool. From The Future of Media: "The band set up their music equipment, from microphones to drum kit, in eighty different locations, including buses and what appear to be taxi cabs, and then requested... read more ›
958 reads
UPDATE: The winner has been chosen, check out the gallery of the top hundred or so entries.I'm the proud owner of a new iPhone 3Gs. That said, I've got my last iPhone, this lovely black 16GB 3G (pictured here), that I'll no longer be using. Don't get me wrong...I love this little sucker. I've lugged it over 200,000 air miles, literally around the world, and it's taken all the daily iPhone pics that you've seen... read more ›
311 reads
Thought y'all might be interested in a list of the top photography blogs (according to some math) that was recently forwarded to me unsolicited from Invesp Consulting, a firm specializing in internet data. According to them, the ranking was established "using 16 different criteria and an algorithm that took 8 months to develop...and from a sample of 20,000 photo blogs". Links to all the top 20, plus a hundred or so others, after the jump... read more ›
514 reads
One of my favorites, the legendary street artist, Banksy, has "secretly" taken over the city museum in his hometown of Bristol. In a rare statement, Bansky said: "The people in Bristol have always been very good to me - I decided the best way to show my appreciation was by putting a bunch of old toilets and some live chicken nuggets in their museum...This is the first show I’ve ever done where taxpayers’ money... read more ›
916 reads
In any discipline, it's tough to be first. The first guy to make a battery powered car, the first first gal to wear combat boots with a babydoll dress, or the first guy to eat 50 hotdogs in 10 minutes. People may laugh at you. They might even point and laugh. In the world of creativity, it's especially tough. Not physically hard, but emotionally hard; hard to have the cajones to lay it out... read more ›
192 reads
If you're a photographer, filmmaker, CD or AD and interested in advertising work, and/or if you've enjoyed Doug Pray's previous documentary films Hype!(about Seattle Grunge) or Scratch (about DJ Culture), you'll want to check out his new one, Art & Copy.A synopsis: "ART & COPY reveals the stories behind and the personal odysseys of some of the most influential advertising visionaries of our time and their campaigns, including Lee Clow (Apple Computer 1984, and... read more ›
287 reads
A couple times each year I tear myself away from making stuff and blowing it and getting run over by cars for long enough to do a couple keynote talks. One of those times is this Friday in Denver. Open to the general public. Focus is on creativity. Thanks to the Art Directors Club of Denver for hosting.What: Chase Jarvis Keynote AddressDate: Friday, June 12Time: 6pm gather, 7pm startLocation: Denver Newspaper AuditoriumDetails: www.ADCD.comTickets available here.... read more ›
137 reads
In case you haven't heard the news, the best camera is the one that's with you, like in your pocket right now. For yours truly and anybody else who can part with $200-$300, that will on June 19th be the newly announced iPhone 3GS. Looks like this will be an amazing little tool for those of us interested in taking pictures and shooting video when our dSLR's are outta reach.In case you missed it, here's... read more ›
604 reads
Do you recall the story of my uncle's war camera - the little Olympus Pen half frame? Well, looks like they've reinvented it (read here) digitally using the new micro 4/3 sensor technology and it got me thinking.Since you know by now I believe deeply that the best camera is the one that's with you. And since I'm an advocate of keeping a camera with you at all times, it's obvious that small cameras are... read more ›
370 reads
I'm giving a chat about creativity + social media at the Art Directors Club of Denver. This 45-second teaser video highlights the consequences of creative vision.This talk is open to the public, tickets are available here. Please tell your friends. Hope to see you there.[Ok. So I promise this is the LAST one of these ... We've really upped the cheese factor to 11. Had so much fun pulling these stupid things together. We... read more ›
184 reads