Just sitting here asking myself this question, which makes me want to ask you the same one. When was the last time you shot something for the first time?Get out there and shoot something new. Break your mold. Report back. --
387 reads
So this time last month it was a still from the RED one camera featured on the cover of Esquire Magazine. Now it's iPhone art on the cover of The New Yorker magazine. Yes, my friends, the future is upon us. The Matrix. And I love it.Speaking about artist Jorge Colombo, abcnews.com reports: "Using the Brushes application, one of thousands available for the iPhone and iPod touch, he has digitally painted dozens of New York... read more ›
195 reads
http://www.viddler.com/player/68613c7f/Psyched (and happily surprised) that our Songs for Eating and Drinking project was deemed worthy of a 30 minute television special last week. Sample it here or if you prefer the boob tube, it runs several more times this month on The Local Music Show with John Richards (The Seattle Channel - cable 21) at 8:30pm on Thursdays and some other late night slots too. With any luck, this sucker is going global. Booyah-kashah. __
223 reads
In light of some recent harassing of photographers on the streets and subways of NYC, the New York City Police Department issued an internal memo reminding themselves that photography on the streets is (still) legal. "Members of the service are reminded that photography and the videotaping of public places, buildings and structures are common activities within New York City. Given the City's prominence as a tourist destination, practically all such photography will have no connection... read more ›
534 reads
Just stumbled on this: a really cool project pulled together by Arthouse co-op in Atlanta... You send them $18 and they send you a disposable camera with 24 shots to document your life this summer. You + 999 others from around the world get your snapshots in a gallery show on September 25th, helping to build a picture of life in 2009. It's Friday and you've got a wadded up 20 dollar bill in your... read more ›
231 reads
I'm giving a chat about creativity + social media at the Art Directors Club of Denver annual awards show. This 25-second teaser video highlights the consequences of social media.This talk is open to the public, please tell your friends. Hope to see you there.[Ok. So I'm having a little fun with this. In case you missed the earlier teaser video, check it out. In reality this one hurt a little more than the last... read more ›
199 reads
I'm taking the liberty of suggesting that you do one or more of the following today:1. Shoot personal work. Call in some favors, get creative with no budget, and shoot something for yourself.2. Set free that idea you've been holding onto. Write a blog post about it. Ask your friends what they think. Tell the world.3. Learn about video. Don't have a camera? Buy drip coffee for a month instead of lattes, and buy a... read more ›
1K reads
I tweeted this earlier today, but just couldn't resist posting it here on the blog as well. Sure there's all kinds of great aerial, RC, mega extendo tripod VR, or unique POV photography stuff going on these days, but this is quite beautifully executed. Like Google earth NYC, but with a whole lotta polish. Fly like superman over NYC here.File under supercool. Or Superman. (Eat your heart out, Clark Kent. The ol' innernets lets me... read more ›
371 reads
In case you blinked and missed it, Panasonic has joined the Video dSLR game with Nikon and Canon with the announcement of their new Lumix GH1, to be released end of May.They're touting a couple "breakthroughs":_HD footage with autofocus. Personally, I have really developed an appreciation for the manual aspects of the Nikon D90 and the Canon 5d, but I can see why the general (read: non-pro/advanced-am, photo-crazed) population will appreciate this._a "multi-aspect"sensor. Short version... read more ›
242 reads
I'm giving a chat about creativity on behalf of the Art Directors Club of Denver's annual awards show. This 45-second teaser video highlights the consequences of creativity.This talk is open to the public, please tell your friends. Hope to see you there.Who: You + ASMP + the Art Directors Club of DenverWhat: Chase Jarvis keynote addressWhen: Friday, June 12, 6pmWhere: Denver, CO (Denver News Auditorium)Details: www.adcd.com (more info coming soon)--[If you get this via... read more ›
365 reads