Waaaaay back in 2007, you’ll recall we launched multiple video series aimed at presenting the unseen side of professional photography: Chase Jarvis: RAW (behind the scenes b-roll), Chase Jarvis: FRAMES (every image from a shoot sewn together into a video), Chase Jarvis: TECH (tips born from the road and solutions to real life photo challenges), and Chase Jarvis: CURRENT (video recordings of my occasional keynotes and random creative talks from around the world). These are... read more ›
251 reads
Not a farewell from me to you, but farewell from my web host to me. After 10 years of a great relationship, my host Seanet fired me today. Please read:Good Afternoon Chase,My name is Jenny and I am part owner of Seanet. We currently host your website chasejarvis.com. It has come to my attention that in the past two weeks the traffic to your website became significantly higher than usual. It has been increasing with... read more ›
3 reads
Here's a tip we didn't see coming when we posted our Chase Jarvis TECH: Packing Photography Gear post a few weeks ago: It seems that the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Transportation--effective January 1, 2008--are limiting the number, size, and location of spare lithium batteries we can travel with... Chances are that if you're a traveling photographer, you fly with spare lithium-ion batteries for laptops, cameras, flashes, etc. They're the juice behind darn... read more ›
338 reads
-The burning Yule Log on your screen. Not too much going on this week? For keeping "virtually" warm with the crackle of a nice fire: Remember years ago when they started broadcasting that fire on the TV? Now you can have it in your office, on your laptop, in your pocket, or on your flatscreen at home. Download the original Yule Log Video for iPod here. The high res for your bigger screen is here... read more ›
174 reads
The irony of this post's title is readily apparent. Speedlinks are supposed to be fast, but there's plenty of hot stuff to keep even someone with the attention span of a gnat glued to the screen for an hour, so choose your poison below.[Truth be told, I love piling all these disparate links/items in one post. There's some stuff here to peruse quickly, but there's also plenty on which to procrastinate, or to suck up... read more ›
172 reads
Based on a ton of requests from our last video post Chase Jarvis TECH: Packing Photography Gear, we've put together a quick shopping list highlighting all the items in the videos: bags, cases, cameras, lenses, accessories. Tis the season, eh? But here's the hook: While there's nothing commercial about this blog at all, no ads, no banners, no ad words, no nothin', we've just quickly created an Amazon Affiliate account specifically for this post so... read more ›
529 reads
PROBLEM: Traveling with cameras, lenses, lights, computers and all the rest of the gear that us photographers use these days can be a serious challenge. After all, this stuff is spendy and breakable, yet it needs to travel to the same places that photographers do to make great pictures. From urban jungles like the Big Apple to the real jungles of Zimbabwe, traveling with photography equipment requires some special know-how. SOLUTION: With a bit of... read more ›
2.2K reads
Two words: Thanks. Giving. For USA readers, today is a holiday where we're encouraged to take pause from our daily grind and give thanks for the myriad of wonderful things in our lives. For the international readers, I'd encourage you to join in.I'll start with the THANKS portion. I'm thankful for too many things to list here, but most of it can be wrapped into health, family, and community. The first two need no explanation.... read more ›
174 reads
Well, if you're a regular here, you'll know why I haven't posted in more than a week - I've been buried in the great links you've sent over. Wow am I grateful for everyone's time submitting their favorites. My plan was always to organize 'em, but I had no idea there would a)be so many and b)of such a high quality... So that said, I did chuck 'em into three categories: photography, design, and pop... read more ›
1.6K reads
I'm sure you're familiar with this phenomena: every once in a while you'll scroll through your iPod with its 10, 20, 80, 160 gigs of music or whatever, and you won't find anything that sparks you at that moment. 10,000 songs and nothing jumps out at you. Certainly there's some great stuff in there, but every so often, we all need a wakeup call - something bold and new. Well, that's me right now, only... read more ›
713 reads