Let's face it, we are living in a digital age that's trending more digital by the day. The crazy thing? We're about to take a very huge leap and it means some really interesting things for creators. Enter the blockchain and NFTs. The buzzword of the times.... or is there something to it? Whether your head spins every time you hear those three little letters, N-F-T or you've gone deep down the rabbit hole, you... read more ›
1.6K reads
If you've been following me for awhile, you probably know I'm a big fan of cold water therapy. But that didn't happen overnight. I first experienced the power of cold therapy during athletics, in the form of icing. The anti-inflammatory properties of the ice reduced swelling and improved recovery. At the time, the multitude of benefits beyond decreased inflammation remained unknown. After college and leaving a possible athletic career behind, I dove head first into photography... read more ›
1.8K reads
The Dark Side of Being World-Class In speed skating, a hard pivot is an aggressive turn that requires balance, focus, and courage. Blasting down the ice, shoulder to shoulder with another world-class competitor, blades on his feet, Apolo Ohno began his Olympic career in 2002, eventually winning eight gold medals and becoming the most decorated athlete in US Winter Olympics history. Stories about the commitment, sacrifice, and work ethic required to reach the pinnacle of... read more ›
576 reads
You’ve followed your curiosities, found your direction, and made some strides along the path, now what? Chances are there’s something deep inside of you, that calls to you, that you know you are resisting. What is that thing? How can you construct your life around that thing? Pull on that thread. Zero in and focus ruthlessly. The more you can narrow your focus, the faster you’ll learn, and the more effective you’ll become. Define your... read more ›
408 reads
Communication is one of the most powerful skills a human can master. Exceptional people speak in a cadence, have a pleasant aura, listen to and validate others, and use broad, straightforward gestures to communicate. You’ve heard the phrase, “It’s not what you say it’s how you say it?” In this episode of the Chase Jarvis Live Show, Joe Navarro explains how to use nonverbals to communicate more effectively. With 25 years in the FBI, specializing... read more ›
2.1K reads
How often do you catch yourself in a storm of self-defeating thoughts? Do you tend to be self-critical and drift toward worry regardless of the circumstances? How do you usually talk to yourself? Are you your own cheerleader? How often do you hear in your head statements like “I’m no good”? Your answers to these questions will reveal whether your self-talk is destructive or constructive. And it matters because, as relationship coach Lisa M. Hayes... read more ›
573 reads
We all want to be more productive, creative, fulfilled, ________ (fill-in-the-blank). There are an infinite number of ways to get there. Reading, listening to podcasts, and attending conferences are a few typical options, but there is no one-size fits-all solution. Listen to the Podcast In Creating Calling, I developed a simple image to help understand the relationship between mindset, habits and goals. I call it the creative pyramid. To reach a desired outcome, we need... read more ›
913 reads
What do you think of when you hear the word fitness? Going to the gym? Going for a run? Yoga? For most of us, fitness is something that we do. We block off an hour or two during the day to focus on our physical health. We get our sweat session in, but then what? On the show this week, we are joined by Aaron Alexander. Aaron is a manual therapist and movement coach, as... read more ›
759 reads
Nothing intimidates a writer more than a blank page. Yet, the tranquillity in the white space is what stimulates thinking. As a communicator and storyteller, isn't creativity all about contemplating filling up those white spaces with words? Margaret Atwood is an award-winning author whose work has been published in more than forty-five countries in multiple forms of creative expression, including graphic novels, TV series and films. Her latest novel, The Testaments, sequel to her award-winning... read more ›
1.4K reads
You are not who you think you are.” - Ram Dass Psychotherapy and Buddhist thought have long been considered separate worlds - psychotherapy is about optimizing the mind and minimizing the impact of emotional trauma, while Buddhist practice emphasizes letting go, acceptance, and finding peace. But what do Western psychotherapy and Buddhism have in common? They are both ways of seeking happiness and fulfillment in life. On today's episode, Dr. Mark Epstein, psychotherapist, and bestselling... read more ›
2.2K reads