So you just dropped an entire month's pay on a super nice camera body. Ok. Take a breath. That was a big jump, and we want you making smart moves going forward. Yes, the lens is important. And yes, you can spend 10x what you just spent on a body on good glass. But before you go cashing in that 401k to buy one of each (dear god don't), soak in the knowledge below. We... read more ›
57.1K reads
You’ve heard the drum beat for a decade – ever since the innernets really started popping… “content is king”. As a content creator (both in front and behind the scenes) this has, of course, always made me feel great about my chances to succeed in cutting through the noise online. Pump out good content and you can make your mark. Welllll, I’ve come to know that this target is a moving one…and that, while content... read more ›
3K reads
Wanted to take a break for a hot second this morning -- away from studios and airplanes and shooting photos in far away places -- to make a special announcement and say a huge, ginormous thank you. If you’ve been a part of this community for some time, then you already know that a few years back, myself and my... read more ›
1.5K reads
Wow. Two new cameras on my blog in one week (here's the other one). I've never been a gear whore and don't like dedicating too much real estate here to it, but I do like me some of these compact cameras. So here we go - quick like. Nikon got the aesthetics right, that's for sure. If it does nothing else, the new Nikon Df is going to make you look like a legit photographer... read more ›
1.1K reads
The field of affordable mirrorless cameras is widening, even as the gulf in quality between said cameras and DSLRs narrows. I've gone so far as to call them DSLR-killers in the past. A little tongue in cheek there, but wrapped in a nice dose of optimism. On the whole these rigs are lighter, more compact and pack a decent punch. They're definitely the bomb for for street photographers and the kick the shit out of... read more ›
7.4K reads
Just stumbled on this image of yours truly working for an advertising photo down at Smith Rocks, OR a few years back. I don't do a ton of climbing photography - it's pretty damn specialized - but when I get to, it reminds me a whole lot of why i like to climb. It really focuses your attention on the task at hand. While the handful of support crew who help make these shoots possible... read more ›
718 reads
You know I'm a fan of all things GoPro Hero 3+ since it dropped earlier this month. This vid is another reason to dig it. Tyler Johnson of GoPro uses an array of 24 GoPro Hero 3 cameras to film fire breather David Kelley doing his thing. And who doesn't love a GoPro array. We did one a short while back in this vid (see if you can spot it)...but this is a... read more ›
5K reads
After years of finger-crossing and well-wishing, I finally got the chance to visit Iceland on a commercial shoot a couple months ago. It was worth the wait, but I can't say I'd want to wait that long again to return. Iceland was the definition of magical, and the light was to die for. And it went on. And on. We put in 16-hour days and grabbed a TON of shots and footage [see... read more ›
536 reads
Let's face it... it's a complete myth that your work will just "be discovered" and that your personal brand just "happens." These are topics that simply cannot be reduced to sound bites and can't be left to happenstance. In case you missed last week's LIVE broadcast of chasejarvisLIVE, we brought on brand luminary Marc Ecko and spent a full 90 minutes uncovering the core principles of Marc's 20-year-long rocket ship of a career... read more ›
1K reads
The fine folks at TechCrunch stopped by the San Francisco HQ of CreativeLIVE the other day. In typical CRIBS fashion I gave them a little tour of our space and a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at the inside of the new method of creative education. Check out the video below and the full story: HERE
542 reads