An invention doesn't truly achieve obsolescence until it gets turned into a night light. Or a meat grinder. Such it is for these retro film cameras, repurposed for some good fun, inspiration, and to invoke a sense of nostalgia for the days of dark rooms. Somewhere a hipster just gasped "the horror" and a grandfather went looking for his Dualflex III. Before you freak (or hate on the hacking of... read more ›
2.3K reads
11 Documentary makes the impermanent permanent. It's a satisfactory compromise for street artist Jason Shelowitz (AKA Jay Shells), whose 'Rap Quotes' project has the longevity of a fruit fly or a sand castle at low tide. Inspired by many rappers' tendency to work the streets, blocks and parks of their upbringing into their lyrics, Shells decided to turn those shout-outs into official-looking street signs and hang them up at those specific street corners and locations.... read more ›
1.4K reads
We had TWO amazing guests on the this episode of chasejarvisLIVE, which aired Wednesday, April 3, 2013. Julien Smith is a NY Times best-selling author, CEO, voice actor and radio broadcaster. To fully enjoy his appearance on our show, you need to stop giving a f*#k right now. Not about your work, but about what other people - the haters, the doubters, the "experts", your boss, your classmates - think. I went man crush when... read more ›
536 reads
A lot of us still shoot film for love and for fun. I'm often dragging around my Polaroid 600, my Hassie 500cm, some Lomo stuff (or these other film cameras)... but it's next to impossible to have clients get fired up to shoot film in a professionals setting. They wanna see their picture NOW. Well, if you've ever been in a pickle over how to get... read more ›
53.8K reads
Last week we checked out the Supraflux Video Camera Stabilizer, a small stabilizer that has been lighting up kick-starter, already making over double their goal with almost a month left. Today we've got the other side of the spectrum with the MoVi from my very good friends Tabb and Hugh at Firefly Systems. I've used these guy for several years now as go-to help for aerial RC choppers and other fun toys... but in the... read more ›
4K reads
Marcin Sobas has a body of work that speaks to a photography maxim: Nature is still the best subject. The endless cycle of birth, growth, death and rebirth; the arc of the sun and the moon in a 24 hour period; the play of clouds and fog as both filter and subject -- your window could look out at a tree on a hill and you could find a million different ways to capture it... read more ›
996 reads
Some of you who follow the blog and chasejarvisLIVE probably remember Ian Ruhter from last year's season finale of the show. I wanted to let y'all know that Ian's Silver and Light Project will be in Vancouver, April 2nd to April 16th. For more info on the Vancouver event go HERE. For some background on Ian and why you should be paying attention to his work: Ruhter and his crew shared his unique process of... read more ›
982 reads
Update: We are LIVE RIGHT NOW with NY Times best-selling author, CEO, voice actor, radio broadcaster, and all-around awesome, Julien Smith and special musical guest My Goodness. Tune in to hear why not giving a F%&! can truly help you be more creative. Head over to the LIVE page. TWO amazing guests on the next episode of chasejarvisLIVE on Wednesday, April 3, 2013. To enjoy Guest #1... you need to stop giving a f*#k right... read more ›
338 reads
Need a little more change in the pocket (or a lot)? If you're doing top-notch work, you may be in luck because Burn magazine is giving away $15,000 in grants for three photographers. Called the "Emerging Photographer Fund", the grants will be awarded in three allotments; one photographer will win $10,000, and two others will get $2,500 a piece. Initiated by legendary photographer David Alan... read more ›
771 reads