I'm loving the photo related projects that are popping up on kickstarter these days. I get 4-5 emails per week from people promoting their projects. Some of them suck. Some are fun. Others are downright dope. So, as we usher in a new era of DIY gadgetry and attempt to discover a future slew of products that might help us photogs + directors, I'm going to try to regularly recommend some kickstarters that have a little... read more ›
848 reads
Geek alert. Although the mentality stems from the last century, the megapixel wars are not over. It is, however, safe to say that those of us familiar with our cameras have started to realize that they are much more than megapixels + dynamic range. There are other factors that we have come to admit are important to consider - case in point, the sensor. Some are noisy, some are big, some are juicy, others are...well...... read more ›
2.9K reads
Indonesia-based photographer and digital artist Budi "CCline" taught himself how to create these painterly photos. With nothing more than an old camera and an outdated version of Photoshop he brings to life a body of work that mixes the natural landscape with the local populations - human and animal, in a vivid, painterly style that is all his own. His work is a great reminder that it doesn't matter what tools you use, it's all... read more ›
3.4K reads
Superfun piece here. Reverse motion isn't a new technique by any stretch, but it doesn't need to be. Messe Kopp had a cool idea and executed it - turned out fun and cool. And above all, he went and CREATED something, versus sitting around talking about it. Great example of being creative on a low budget. #respect Check out more of Messe Kopp's stuff here: Facebook You tube The track is called "White Lies" by... read more ›
1.1K reads
At 26 years old, Chris Burkard is living the dream of traveling around the world to shoot surfers in exotic places. He's been recognized for his work with some prestigious awards including a first place spot in the Red Bull Illume competition. His images are a complementary mix of being right in the action and being removed from it. At times the subject is a tiny speck in the grander landscape. Other times the camera... read more ›
2.7K reads
Murad Osmann has put a really solid spin on the traditional "vacation album". Already picked up by HuffPo, Business insider, and the Daily Mail UK, I nearly didn't feature the work (not to mention the HDR tendency...), but I kept coming back to it for 3 reasons: 1. The concept is good. 2. The concept is simple. 3. We can all take note and learn something about executing good, simple concepts to create a body... read more ›
1.1K reads
Hi folks, Megan here, long time staff Producer for Chase. We get a ton of email inquiries every day from guys and gals looking to "work their way into the industry" or utilize skills learned while at school. Most inquire about being a photo assistant. And while that’s certainly an option to learn a ton on-set, it’s not the only path you can take to get your feet wet in the business of commercial photography... read more ›
5.3K reads
Paul Hansen of Sweden had his moving photo of a group of men in Gaza City carrying the bodies of two dead children selected as the 2013 World Press Photo of the Year. The photo, taken on November 20, 2012, was captured as the group was transporting the bodies to a mosque for a burial ceremony. The boys -- two-year-old Suhaib Hijazi and his... read more ›
1K reads
As many of you who are regular readers know, I am longtime friend (and fan of course) of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. Ben (Macklemore) and I get coffee at the same joint. He has played dinner parties at my studio and he and Ryan deployed a magical performance on chasejarvisLIVE among other things over the years. But it is with a special appreciation that I've been attuned their meteoric rise to the top of the... read more ›
2.7K reads
UPDATE: here's a recording of our chat...above! Thanks to all of you who watched live. __ LIVE today at 9:30 PDT, 10:30 Aspen, 12:30 NYT, 17:30 London right here on the blog or on my YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/chasejarvis. I'm smack dab in the middle of shooting next year's campaign for Aspen (last years BTS video here with octocopers and wicked visuals) but had the morning off and managed to wrangle a couple friends for a... read more ›
189 reads