Friends! I’ve sent out a few social pings over the past couple days about being in Africa, but this is really the first time I’ve had more than a moment to share the lay of the land. I’m here on a passion project with a group friends and educators ( to learn more about the global water crisis, share what I learn with the... read more ›
681 reads
Sometimes you have to get off the beaten path to find the real texture in a location. The truth is, locations that are hard to find will reveal new angles and subjects. Trust me, if it's hard to find and get to - it will produce something new and different. So, as they say, "Take a Hike." You will be rewarded. Nicaragua isn't quite Cancun, but it had become more... read more ›
1.6K reads
Just how history will judge our country's use of drones in the "War on Terror" is not for me to decide. I'm not going to to wax political or to publicize in which direction my moral compass points. What I can do is show you how this powerful machine of war is being seen by a handful of artists around the world. Through these representations we find... read more ›
500 reads
UPDATE: if you dig mirrorless cameras or want to find out why everybody else loves them, you're in luck. creativeLIVE has courses on mirrorless cameras by the talented John Greengo. Go here to check it out, learn more, enroll, etc. ______ I like to shoot with the newest, biggest, baddest DSLR as much as the next guy. And I'm lucky enough to do so on the regs for my commercial work; however, when it comes... read more ›
4.9K reads
While the New Year stands for new beginnings, resolutions, and clean slates, it's also a chance to look back at 2012... a fascinating year. From the eyepopping athleticism of the Summer Olympics in London and the drama of the U.S. Presidential Election to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy and the wildfires that ravaged Colorado, there was no lack of engaging photography in 2012. I browsed... read more ›
2.4K reads
When you combine youth, unlimited cash and iPhone technology, you get braggadocios photographic evidence of a lavish lifestyle. Also known as the Rich Kids of Instagram. At first glance, this Tumblr is so ridiculously over the top it's laughable. But a deeper look reveals for me some cultural sadness...privileged kids posting bar tab receipts that cost more than four... read more ›
7.1K reads
What does a stream of non-stop 24/7 creative education look like? In case you've been on vacation, it looks like what has looked like for the past two weeks...and will continue to look for the remaining few days of 2012. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of the year, you can join a community of more than 1 million people strong and check out the most popular segments of... read more ›
234 reads
26 Last week we received an early Christmas gift at my Seattle studio. Ian Ruhter and his crew brought the world's largest mobile camera to chasejarvisLIVE to share the process of wetplate photography with us. Ian's project has attracted a ton of attention and is a great example of the power of personal work. He transformed his life to follow his dream to do something different in photography. He is living the mantra of doing... read more ›
490 reads
It may be pine trees, stockings, eggnog and carols where I'm at in the 'States, but here's a look at some seasonal partying elsewhere in the world. Ice swimming, road races, turns out...even KFC. Serbia, Thailand, Japan and the West Bank represent. Whatever you celebrate, however you celebrate and wherever you are.... read more ›
804 reads
It's that time of year. The holiday hustle. We're all trying to squeeze everything in. If you can pull yourself away from work, shopping, traveling or whatever it is you're doing today - here's a casual 20 behind-the-scenes shots from my recent work in Monaco for you to peruse on a Friday. I'll share some of the final campaign images in 2013...some epic stuff... BTW, Monaco is a truly extraordinary location. Included below are a... read more ›
493 reads