Today Photoshelter announced that, beginning October 10, 2008, they will no longer be licensing stock images. Major bummer for the industry. I’m currently in NYC, so I’ll try to connect with Allen and Grover to pass along well wishes over a stiff drink…
Accompanying that news, Corbis today announced that they’ve cut a bunch of jobs and trimmed spending. Ouch.
In looking for a silver lining amidst today’s news, Photoshelter will refocus their resources and continue to enhance and grow their Personal Archive feature that allows for bi-coastal, bulletproof backup of your images. That’s a good thing. Consider also that, although Photoshelter has pulled the plug on Shoot! The Blog, the witty and charming blog stewardess, Rachel Hulin, is spinning off another blog of the same flavor. Tune into her – she’s great.
Condolences to our comrades.