Alrighty. Regardless of the fact that this A or B series (here, here, and here) has been really interesting for us, helpful, and popular with you (the last such post received over 1000 comments in 24 hours)…
This time it is of even greater interest for us. You see, we’re doing some image editing around here and we’ve stumbled into a little internal debate about which one of these two images is actually better, A or B. [You might remember these shots from the Nikon D7000 campaign…]
Hearing from you will help really help us. No qualifiers, don’t worry about our objectives, or the “assignment”. We want to know which one of these shots you like better. And please tell us in the comments below, not via twitter. Raw preference. Period. If you can add some “why”, that would be nice too. Full 600 pixel wide images after the jump. Hit ‘continue reading’ below [and btw, I’ve got a $1 gentlemen’s bet riding with Erik about which one will win, so don’t let me down!]…
After you all weigh in, I’ll tell you which one I like, which one I thought you’d like, and why.
This is image A, below:
This is image B, below:
So which photo is better? A or B?
Deffinatly B .. she looks more comfty in that position .. A lighting looks a little harsh.
B for sure! I don’t like the harsh shadows in picture A and too much of the image is lost. In B I love how the color of the van pops out, the poses of the people have attitude and everything about the picture tells a story. Absolutely love B !
to be honest, neither of them quite “hit it” for me; however, i vote for B — the composition is more intriguing — needs more detail in the sky tho.
I’m not sure what the purpose of the question is to answer it? Are you making a windmill turbine statement? Is it about lighting or the woman ?
Definitely B. A is too central and posed.