What does a stream of non-stop 24/7 creative education look like? In case you've been on vacation, it looks like what http://www.creativeLIVE.com/live has looked like for the past two weeks...and will continue to look for the remaining few days of 2012. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of the year, you can join a community of more than 1 million people strong and check out the most popular segments of... read more ›
234 reads
ANOTHER UPDATE 12/19: today Instagram did a much better job in the media explaining their position - specifically around not "selling" your images as in "here ya go company X, use this in your next billboard". As an artist & entrepreneur, having been involved in IP licensing all my professional career and navigated these waters before...as such I think I understand their challenge better than most. The legalese required around IP creators (in this case... read more ›
3.4K reads
Across the pond from me in Germany there is some stunning work getting kicked out of a little boutique firm called The Marmalade that you should know about. I'm drawn to more than just the final result...I love HOW they're acheiving it too... Behind the scenes thinking and such below. Have a great Monday.
800 reads
UPDATED AGAIN WITH A TREAT: SPECIAL OFFER: This is LIVE right NOW. Buy the Tim Ferriss creativeLIVE course #4HourLife and get a free copy of Tim's new book. Click for details http://cr8.lv/4-Hour_promo. Sale ends today! (somewhere around a $35 value ...book + shipping) _____ UPDATE: Tim is LIVE NOW... both today and tomorrow. Tune in here at creativeLIVE.com/live _____ Short version: renowned 4-hour-everything guy Tim Ferriss is gonna be on creativeLIVE next week... read more ›
1.2K reads
You've heard me say it before - don't sink all your effort into being incrementally better. Instead be DIFFERENT. Be BOLD. This episode of chasejarvisLIVE was focused specifically on this simple idea. And my special guests for this episode epitomize this 'different' and 'bold' mantra as well as anyone I know. Like all of my guests, these guys aren't ensconced in the "this is how it is" photo industry - they're innovators from a parallel... read more ›
847 reads
In case you missed our December 6th, 2011 episode of chasejarvisLIVE, it was all about the portfolio. We had Allegra Wilde, visual strategist and co-founder of eyeist.com on the show, talking about common mis-steps and some of the best ways for your work to get noticed. She even gave us a quick portfolio review and a sneak peek at her upcoming service eyeist.com. Yesterday Allegra and her partners launched their product for the world. Check... read more ›
1.4K reads
Big news. Ramit Sethi is doing a 3 day intensive course on creativeLIVE starting today. Right NOW in fact. If you know who he is and why I'm so stoked, go to creativeLIVE.com/live RIGHT NOW for free. If you don't need or want to earn money with your creative work then no worries - total respect - skip this post and jump over to 13 tips for a more creative success (one of my fav... read more ›
826 reads
#TheMeeting8 - Recap Video from Aspen/Snowmass on Vimeo. Some of you might have noticed that I dropped the behind-the-scenes video last week from the shooting of the Aspen-Snowmass campaign. I launched this immediately following a return visit to Aspen to attend The Meeting, the annual gathering of professional filmmakers, media, and brands. The folks at Aspen put together this cool re-cap video - check it out above. Aspen is always well worth the visit, but... read more ›
408 reads
Last week I hosted author and pitch guru Oren Klaff on chasejarvisLIVE. Wow. I knew it was going to be good - but we had no idea that there would be such a huge reaction to Oren and the information he shared from his book Pitch Anything. The community has been talking about it all week. So here it is again for your viewing and eternal viewing pleasure. Oren is not only the purveyor of... read more ›
867 reads
PhotoKina, the photography industry's extravaganza of products and announcements, went down last week. Every two years, the tribes gather in Cologne Germany to showcase the latest and greatest and give us a peak into the future. I did not attend this year. To be straight-up, I'm not a big fan of trade shows. No offense to anyone who digs the gadgetry and flood of products and promotion, but these fluorescent-lit extravaganzas sort of give me... read more ›
1.2K reads