In keeping with this spirit to look beyond just the photography industry for insight and inspiration, please join me this Tuesday, August 16 at 11:00am Seattle time, as welcome #1 New York Times best-selling author Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) for another episode of chasejarvis LIVE. Tim was Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People of 2007” and is on Forbes Magazine’s “Names You Need to Know in 2011" list. His first book, The 4-Hour Workweek, was an... read more ›
1.4K reads
I learned over time that as photographers, filmmakers and independent artists, we're also entrepreneurs running our own small businesses. Since I'm not all that business minded I've had learn as much as I can while surrounding myself with smart biz-oriented people who can help. Enter stage left Mara, our on-staff accountant. Going forward, I've got a goal that she will be able to shed a lot of light on the $$ and business side of... read more ›
923 reads
Here's a sure-fire way to blow your career in photography: 1. Take lots of photos. 2. Get on twitter. 3. Start a blog. 4. Assist for another photographer. 5. Buy a better camera. 6. Create a "style" that's all your own. 7. Hire an intern. 8. Get an agent. 9. Do behind-the-scenes videos. 10. Get a studio. 11. Franchise your business. 12. Live off your stock library. 13. Sell your prints. 14. Get some gear... read more ›
1.3K reads
Hi friends. Kate here again. I've been reading your questions lately, I've noticed that many are about production. It's no doubt that shooting days can be stressful: you have a set of objectives that need to be accomplished, time is limited, the client is present, weather, travel, lodging and permits may be a factor, you're coordinating people and there are always little surprises that crop up. Plain and simple, there are just lots of moving parts... read more ›
7.6K reads