Hopefully you were tuned in the previous coupla weeks to our play-by-play campaign shooting for SanDisk in New Zealand. Well, we're back in the states, digging out, editing and what not, and as promised, we've got more content from the trip to post. In this Chase Jarvis TECH, I'm responding to hordes of you who asked 1)why are you shooting so many frames? 2) why in the world are you shooting on a tripod?... read more ›
470 reads
In the 5 short days it's been public, thousands and thousands of images have been shot, edited and uploaded with our new iPhone app, Best Camera. Watching the images roll by on the visualizer on the phone and the site have evaporated hours of my life, and made it better. Some really impressive imagery.Of the those thousands of images, I'm awarding Dan Marshall the fully unlocked iPhone 3Gs for this lovely image of a little... read more ›
164 reads
I slept 4 hours in a 65 hour stretch. ...that was in the couple days before and after launching The Best Camera ecosystem. But I loved it, because working hard to create stuff feels good. It’s not everyday that you get an opportunity to launch a book, or an iPhone app, or an online community, let alone all three. The experience has been exciting, humbling, scary and energizing all at once, and I owe a... read more ›
280 reads
http://www.facebook.com/v/156438486404Dozens of you chimed in last week about wanting to see some of the gear we were using in New Zealand for the past 10 days, so here's the bounty. Might sound funny, but it's quite stripped down for us, based on the creative direction that you saw here.Regardless, hope you get your fill here... and the Shamwow reference is just a funny pop-culture, infomercial joke. We like to soak up our spilled beers with... read more ›
227 reads
If you've been following along here during my play-by-play for the past 9 days, you already know...Who I've been shooting for: SanDiskWho I've been shooting pictures of: a few of the world's best athletesWhat I've been shooting: skiing and snowboardingWhere I've been shooting: Queenstown, New ZealandWhen I've been shooting: dawn till darkHow I've been shooting: fast moving action, motor-driving, naturally lit and strobedThe only thing that's been missing has been the why. Until now. SanDisk... read more ›
1.1K reads
[Update: reposted the above vid in a refreshed post here since I had new work from the campaign to show and since SanDisk just made an announcement. But do check out the crew vid below - takes a village to make something like this come together....]As promised, we've dug out from all the data and our primary function of actually shooting this SanDisk campaign enough to show you an initial look of the actual... read more ›
317 reads
http://www.facebook.com/v/1223617753778Here we are, already more than half way through our job here. Great stuff today, again working with some of the best skiers and snowboarders in the world. This little recap vid, shot at 9pm last night--just before heading back to the villa for some data wrangling--shows me pretty darn tired, but still kicking. I'm on camera with my friend Chris Jerard from Freeskier and Snowboard magazines. Chris is our subject matter expert and snowsports... read more ›
189 reads
When we head off to location, our accommodations vary widely. Most often we stay in hotels, sometimes we rent large flats or houses, but in almost every case, we have a central, community area for gear, data crunching and collaboration. I thought it would be interesting to give you a spin thru that main area in our current "basecamp" to give you a feel for it. In this case, we're staying in a large... read more ›
257 reads
http://www.facebook.com/v/151394396404Whew. If you've tuned in at all in the past few days, you're aware of what I've got cooking. To my knowledge this is one of the first (perhaps THE first?) global, multi-week-long, play-by-play commercial shoot to have its behind-the-scenes life chronicled and broadcast almost in real time via blog, Facebook, and Twitter. This will be the deepest look into the black box of photography that I've been able to share to date. By a... read more ›
350 reads
http://www.facebook.com/v/149745901404Scott uploaded this vid to my Facebook page from the Karl Strauss brewery at LAX and it quickly got over 100 comments/likes in about 15 hours. Since questions poured in from there and twitter, I thought I'd chuck the vid up here and scramble to answer some of those questions over a wimpy cappuccino here in the Air New Zealand lounge before running to our next legs to Christchurch and onto Queenstown.Some of your questions... read more ›
258 reads