Here’s an interesting peek at the underbelly of professional photography--the gems and the warts, the outtakes, the volume, the repetition, light tests, blown angles, and the hero shots all wound together in one tight little ball. This is an uncut series of 2000 still photographs, stitched together and put to music, featuring every image I shot during a 5-day period for personal work, my portfolio, AND to promote the 2007 Hasselblad Masters (a gold star... read more ›
1.7K reads
Saturday, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper (aka the Seattle P.I.) filled the cover of it's Life and Arts section plus an inside page, with--low and behold--a lifestyle feature about yours truly. PI Journalist, Kristin Dizon, and photographer, Scott Ecklund, collaborated on the piece. Dizon -a talented writer- was waaaay thorough, focusing on the present, but also unearthing things I did way back (gasp!)in freakin' high school. Many parts are spot on, other parts over-simplified, and some... read more ›
195 reads
I recently answered this question on the Seattle ASMP listserve, and it seemed like a good little nugget to share: Are there special release for photographing French (citizens) models in France? Short answer: yes. Long answer: read on.If you are shooting commercially in France, French citizen models have special rights that are more restrictive than (to my knowledge) anywhere else in the world. Basically, releases there are not good for life - the models can... read more ›
384 reads
Not long ago I was contacted by a talented writer (and part time photographer) living in Buenos Aires named Ethan Salwen. This month in the photo trade mag AfterCapture Salwan examines the pros and cons of blogging and what it takes to make an interesting or successful web log. In this simple, unpretentious piece titled Enter the Blogosphere, Salwen interviews a small spectrum of photographers who blog and solicits and collates some smart advice for... read more ›
249 reads
If you've seen the video clip advert thingie I was hired to shoot called "Rollin Street", in collaboration with Flying Spot Seattle, you might guess that it's trendy (but cool and fun!) to make a movie using still images (and video) sequenced together. Some are intentionally cut roughly (like the Rollin Street piece we did), whereas others are more smooth (requires more shots lumped together). Strangely, although the Rollin Street "story" has been here on... read more ›
135 reads
I typically don't go down the road of public service announcements, but this could be helpful. I'll make it quick.First, Daylight Saving Time begins this Saturday night at 2am (technically Sunday morning). Second, this is a change from year's past (thanks to a positive, energy conservation move from congress) and it could be a slight pain in the neck for your computer. That said, I'd suggest checking this out in advance... For Mac: just use... read more ›
251 reads
This is not a rant. It's a page out of Business School 101.If you've ever seen/heard one of my speaking engagements, you've probably heard me talk about the Black Box. It's the name I've given to "what the world of advertising photography looks like to a new or aspiring photographer." Something goes it one end of the box (the request, the pitch, the job offer, etc) and something comes out the other end (finished images,... read more ›
204 reads
I just returned from a location shoot in the Cascade Mountains, east of Seattle today. The weather had us guessing at several points during the day, but for the most part it went according to plan. Plan? That's right, as someone who is often hired to shoot outdoors, I've been forced to become quite the weatherman, doing my best to anticipate and plan for Mother Nature's ways. She always plays hard to get, but it... read more ›
205 reads
As as investment, I own a small commercial building not far from our studio in Seattle's historic Greenlake neighborhood. It's a quaint brick building from the 1920's with tons of character and charm and I've intentionally filled it with tenants with creative businesses: architects, 3-D designers, filmmakers, etc. You get the picture.It got vandalized today. Tagged. Basically spray paint for the sake of spray paint on bricks and metalwork. I admit, when my friend Marc... read more ›
1.4K reads
So while I was on assignment last week, my Seattle office got a call from some passionate Republican. He left a message about a "business award" I'd won. My office staff, knowing that I vehemently oppose the current administration and thinking this was a joke by one of my clever friends (I have several with whom I engage in such behavior), played along. The caller backed up his message by sending our office a fax... read more ›
286 reads