[The debate continues about whether or not iPads are good portfolios for photographers and filmmakers. But those considerations aside, one thing I KNOW is that the iPad is great for is displaying photo & video content in a gallery setting, or on a studio wall in a waiting area. So in pure coincidence with Apple's announcement today that the iPad2 is now available (early), Dartanyon has written up a post about how we made our... read more ›
1.2K reads
[Erik here with a quick guest post about some videos I wanted to share. I find them incredibly informative and inspiring, and I hope you do to.] Robert Rodriguez is a special breed of filmmaker, a breed that we'll continue to see more and more of as filmmaking technology becomes increasingly accessible and affordable. The do-it-yourselfers who are so technically savvy that they can oversee and drive every aspect of their production. Since his first... read more ›
5.6K reads
[Scott here with another guest blog post. Today I hope to save you some time and heartache by giving you the nuts and bolts of editing large volume shoots...] Painful memories I have: My first breakup, my first deceased pet, my first time moving, but perhaps most painful of them all is this; my first attempt at editing 15,000 photos. Such overwhelming volume, such slow progress, so many similar photos. Why, oh why, did they... read more ›
13.3K reads
Our digital cinema guru, Erik, wanted to take a minute to chat gear with you. This is his second guest post, so please give him another warm welcome... This post is another installment of a series that our staff is doing about the gear that we consider essential for our work...the stuff we don't leave home without. When shooting behind the scenes videos and even some of our commercial work, we shoot with HDSLRs whenever... read more ›
1.7K reads
Everyone on the our team brings an expertise and excellence to the group that is unique. As an example, Scott's Photoshop chops are stellar, Kate is an uber-producer, Erik is the bees knees with digital cinema, and the list goes on... One of Dartanyon's strong suits is digital printing. He's been around digital output from the near beginning of color desktop printing.... read more ›
12.8K reads
[Howdy, Scott here again. This is the third of a three part series on the steps I take when location scouting as Chase's lead assistant. In the first two posts we discussed virtual scouting and weather. Now we've done everything that we can do from a desk and it's time to put the rubber to the road. Good old fashioned Location Scouting.] Let's assume we have decided on a region we think will have the... read more ›
2.6K reads
Hey there y'all, Dartanyon here making a guest post appearance... In this installment of [my] Essential Gear, I'd like to talk about something I don't leave home without: my travel drive. A travel drive is an external hard drive filled to the brim with the software, tools, and settings, that are so often overlooked as part of location computer setups. There are several scenarios where you may need to carry one of these, perhaps you're traveling without... read more ›
713 reads
[Scott here...and welcome to the second post in a series of three discussing the steps we take in selecting and scouting locations for our most important photo and video shoots. In the first post in this series we discussed the process of narrowing in on your locations with computers...."virtual scouting". Now we'll tackle something a bit less concrete...that great mystery in the sky...no I'm not talking about God, I'm talking about the WEATHER.] The weather... read more ›
1.1K reads
----- [Want to know how we choose where to shoot our most important photo and video projects? Tune in! I'm Scott - Chase's right hand man - and this guest blog post is the first in a series of three where I'll be covering the steps I take in the role of Chase's lead assistant that pertain to scouting shoot locations. This first post will go over the process of selecting locations from the comfort... read more ›
3.6K reads
-------- Note: NO, we didn’t have too much eggnog and accidentally re-publish a post from just before the holidays... We did, however, get a TON of reader requests from a lot of y'all who are using less and less Photoshop, and asked Scott if he could get similar results in Aperture or Lightroom. Short answer is YES. To that end, Scotty re-worked... read more ›
1.8K reads