I just received a very inspiring email. I thought it was worth sharing. I’ve changed or left out some of the personal details to protect the privacy of the sender. “Hey Chase, It worked. Everything you said worked. I declared myself a photographer, got business cards, set up an LLC, pumped out shots and handed them out like mad. I DECIDED this is who I am, and it's like the whole world conspired in my favor.... read more ›
1.5K reads
It's summertime and the weekend is here. I had the good fortune of discovering this fresh Brazilian cocktail this week in Guaruja surrounded by old and new friends. I highly recommend you try it out. Have a great weekend. Ingredients: 3 small chopped seeded lemons or small oranges, limes, tangerines (no need to peel) 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon grated peeled ginger 3/4... read more ›
1.8K reads
Seeking out uniquely spectacular lighting is a good bet for capturing stunning imagery. May 29th, yesterday, was one of the two days of the year when our friendly neighborhood star, the sun, sets perfectly in-line with the Manhattan grid. Bi-annually, photographers in the big apple take advantage of this unique moment in our solar system. Click through the image tabs above to see some shots of New York... read more ›
726 reads
Beginner or emerging photographer? Well, once you know what’s happening with your camera and all those dials, it’s time to take on lighting and flash photography. In taking that next step - learning to light - you can do almost anything, and nothing opens up this opportunity more effectively and affordably than working with Speedlights, those small on- and off-camera lights that are your entree into a whole new world. ...Which gives me a great... read more ›
895 reads
As we artists continue to be forced to become entrepreneurs in our own right (see this episode of #cjLIVE with Zoe Keating), all things entrepreneurial are of interest to me... How can we channel our creative stuff into thinking into light, fast and hardcore focus like most startups are forced to think. The correlation is not a perfect one, but it's expressly relevant to us creatives. It's relevant for me not only in... read more ›
288 reads
Posted for your enjoyment. If you missed this LIVE show with Zoe Keating (or if you didn't...!) you'll want to take a peek. For one, IMHO it's some of our most beautiful footage and one of the best sounding of any chasejarvisLIVE to date - we're getting pretty tight on our capture because we're having a blast. For two - and more importantly-- in addition to Zoe Keating and her cello making some... read more ›
1.1K reads
If you're primarily an on-location photographer or filmmaker, then you know how much value a great location can add to the shoot. So today I'm introducing another Series (ala the 'Emerging Talent' and others...) where I feature supercool locations around the world. Stuff I discover, stuff that other send me, places I'd love to shoot. Of course feel free to chime in, share, link, or otherwise contribute in... read more ›
9.6K reads
Hey photo friends. Erik here with a quick recommendation for an inexpensive photo editing solution. I’ve been playing around with the CameraBag 2desktop software for the last couple months and I’m blown away at the capabilities packed into this affordable editing tool. If you’re new to photo editing and wanna save a few bucks, or you’re like me and find inspiration in trying out new photo apps, I highly recommend you download this software. [20 sample... read more ›
2.5K reads
UPDATE!! If you’re reading this now – the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into http://www.chasejarvis.com/live today — 11am SEA time (2pm NYC & 19:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… ——- Now more than ever before, we artists are entrepreneurs. Born from opportunity or necessity or both, we have become the CEO’s of ourselves. We create our art and... read more ›
745 reads
For your weekend viewing pleasure, check out the repost of Entourage star + filmmaker Adrian Grenier on chasejarvisLIVE. It's chock full of entertainment industry goodness and is sure to introduce you to something new that you'll dig. I'm also stoked to announce that we've just booked avant garde cellist Zoë Keating for chasejarvisLIVE on wednesday May 2nd. She's a one-woman orchestra, she's amazing, she's not to be missed. Mark your calendars!
611 reads