Last week when I announced my newest book, Seattle 100: Portrait of a City, I promised to blog, vlog, report and otherwise share the behind-the-scenes process of what it's been like so far in taking this project to print AND what's going on in these final weeks prior to the official "launch". Lots to report. My hope is that this can help anybody who is heading into a book project or perhaps considering... read more ›
419 reads
[We have received hundreds of questions asking how this shot was post produced, so we thought it would be fun--and a good use of this blog as a central conversation point--to do a post about it. A play by play. So let's join our retouch guru Scott as he walks us through this popular shot of mine from the desert in Dubai....take it away, Scotty...] It’s fair to say that a number of Chase’s images... read more ›
7.6K reads
Have you seen the recent viral ad from Levi's of a guy walking across America wearing Levi jeans? Pretty simple, but pretty cool. [Maybe the walking thing was inspired by this similar concept in Toronto?] Anyway, this video here shows us how they pulled it off using just one camera, a tripod, 14 days, a few thousand photos, a few thousand miles, a protractor, a string, and a bit of math. Sign me... read more ›
5.2K reads
UPDATE: If you missed our Sarah McLachlan video shoot/performance there's a re-broadcast of the internet feed here on YouTube. Check it! -- First we kicked off chasejarvisLIVE, then creativeLIVE... so you figured out I really dig this LIVE thing. Well, today, I'm excited to share that I've also been working hard with a little coffee company down the street called Starbucks to help bring you StarbucksLIVE. To kick this off, I'm TODAY at 12 noon... read more ›
432 reads
This may well be the most important behind-the-scenes video we've made to date. Not because it's fancy or sexy, but because it covers arguably the most essential information on a set of topics that every photo and video person should understand: workflow, storage and backup of your precious images. This video covers all the ins and outs, the theory and the details of our complete photo and video workflow from capture to archive... read more ›
67.6K reads
95% of the gear I use to create high-end advertising images, videos, and commercials is the highest end stuff you can buy. Tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment and production often comes together for much of the commercial work you see. This gear all serves its purpose, and there's good reason for every single piece of it, but.... PROBLEM: I understand that, for a huge cross section of this community,... read more ›
8.3K reads
You know I love to deconstruct a photo. And I know from your previous feedback that you love it to, so let's dig into another one. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. It's always been one of the most helpful technical exercises throughout my career to try to dissect the images of others, and so here I am encouraging you to take your shot at this image today. (If you want to... read more ›
558 reads
Hey hey. Reminder that over at, we're bringing in my good buddy Vincent Laforet for a FREE all-weekend-long workshop about making videos with the new breed of HDdSLR cameras. [update: we're LIVE now! check it out. And... you spoke, we listened. For those who couldn't catch it, every night there is a full FREE playback starting 8pm Seattle TIME (gmt -8)...still pay to download if you wanna keep it...] Starting tomorrow, from 9am to... read more ›
616 reads
One of the things I loved about learning to speak a decent bit of French a few years back was that just when you realized that you knew enough French to get by, THAT's when you realized that you had so much more to learn. Same goes with any second language, or flyfishing, or race car driving or laundry or medicine, yoga, or anything that you can really sink your teeth into. And the same... read more ›
1.7K reads
[Note: I'm excited today to bring back an element to this here blog that we started a while back, but got lost in the mix: monthly guest posts from my badass staff. Since each of them are experts in their own right, I figured you'd be interested in hearing some different perspectives. Today, our tech guru and all things 1's and 0's master, Dartanyon, drops some knowledge about how to create a podcast in 6... read more ›
498 reads