If you’re at all interested in occasionally subverting digital-only communities and you’d wanna gather over a beer or a bite with yours truly and some other like-minded people, I’ve begun holding impromptu social gatherings at random spots around the world, and would love for you to join in.Participating is simple. Just follow me on Twitter (@chasejarvis) and keep your eyes peeled for an occasional flurry of tweets outlining a place and a time. You’ll have... read more ›
271 reads
My iPhone has been like crack to me since the day one on the market, June 3, 2007. Most of us iPhone users make regular and swift use of the impressive 'Net, email, and location-based tools, but as a professional creative I'm always using the built-in camera to grab snaps of anything that catches my eye for ideas, inspiration, and such. In fact--in case you didn't know--I post daily mobile iPhone snaps to my Facebook... read more ›
2.7K reads
Last week I was reminded no less that 5 times why it's important to carry a camera with you everywhere you go. I'd never have been able to grab a snap of any of these things had I not been packin' heat (G9, iPhone, D3, whatever)...1. The Google Earth 3D, street level, photo recorder thingie was mapping the area and I caught it. Very cool, despite the fact that fellow drivers were freaking out, as... read more ›
1.1K reads
I overheard someone at the LAX airport yesterday saying how cliche it was to blog about the iPhone. Blasphemy! That struck me as really obtuse, since one of the things blogs do best is address popular culture events quickly, relevantly, and with an unfiltered punch. So in your face, airport guy. I say it's not cliche to blog about it, it's probably more of a faux pas (keeping with the French...) for me NOT to,... read more ›
185 reads
I like popular culture a lot. I'm a junkie with respect to it... I also like design, technology, branding, and athletics among lots of other things. And it's a collision of several of things interests that brought me to want to post this quick entry. I was shocked this morning--when perusing my daily must-hits online--and I stumbled on the following two things back to back. First thing, I'd not seen before. Second item, I've seen... read more ›
321 reads
UPDATE: If you have to wait till June, you might as well download this foldable paper template of the iPhone. It's cool - you can pass some time and you fool your friends too! ...next best thing to the real thing.Download the .pdf template here.(Thanks to iphonecountdown.com for the great fun and to my pals at creativetechs.com for pointing me in the right direction!)
240 reads
I'll keep it short. Instead of watching a movie tonight, watch Steve Jobs keynote address here. iPhone, AppleTV, more. Bring it on!
210 reads