Today I’m bringing you the audio version of a talk I gave at The Next Web conference in Amsterdam earlier this year on a topic that’s top of mind for many of us, which is the rise of AI and automation and the implications it may have for our careers - whether you’re a truck driver or a radiologist or a graphic designer, you’ve probably had a moment in the past year or two where... read more ›
3.5K reads
Heyooo! TODAY I'm so so happy and excited to announce something that’s been a long time in the making... the launch of the nexst step CreativeLive’s learning platform. Our global desktop experience has always been the most engaging education experience online, and today I'm proud to share that we’re extending that learning ecosystem to an iPhone, iPad and Apple TV app. You've always been able to lear 24/7 365 at CL...and now you can learn... read more ›
2.7K reads
Turn back your mental clock to April of 2012, when Facebook acquired Instagram for the eye-popping price of $1 billion. It was a big story, with headlines all over not just the tech press but mainstream outlets like CNN, Newsweek and the nightly news-- who could have imagined a company with barely over a dozen employees commanding a 10-figure valuation?! Like most of you, I watched the story unfold like some kind of tech fairy... read more ›
36.1K reads