Brian is a decade-long veteran shooter, with images to prove it. I meant to highlight his work immediately after he took Best in Show and People's Choice awards at the action-sports-focused "Pro Photographer Showdown" which went down in Whistler, BC a while back, but got a little sidetracked. Regardless, here is the work now. Above are some of my favorite from Brian's portfolio. Click through the image tabs above - the last one is Brian's... read more ›
2K reads
Beginner or emerging photographer? Well, once you know what’s happening with your camera and all those dials, it’s time to take on lighting and flash photography. In taking that next step - learning to light - you can do almost anything, and nothing opens up this opportunity more effectively and affordably than working with Speedlights, those small on- and off-camera lights that are your entree into a whole new world. ...Which gives me a great... read more ›
896 reads
Here's another 60 Second Portrait, starring Guy Kawasaki this time. I shot this after our recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE. If you dig it, check out the rest of my 60 Second Portraits here. ----------
5.2K reads
As we artists continue to be forced to become entrepreneurs in our own right (see this episode of #cjLIVE with Zoe Keating), all things entrepreneurial are of interest to me... How can we channel our creative stuff into thinking into light, fast and hardcore focus like most startups are forced to think. The correlation is not a perfect one, but it's expressly relevant to us creatives. It's relevant for me not only in... read more ›
288 reads
Posted for your enjoyment. If you missed this LIVE show with Zoe Keating (or if you didn't...!) you'll want to take a peek. For one, IMHO it's some of our most beautiful footage and one of the best sounding of any chasejarvisLIVE to date - we're getting pretty tight on our capture because we're having a blast. For two - and more importantly-- in addition to Zoe Keating and her cello making some... read more ›
1.1K reads
The Beastie Boys wrangled punk rock and hip hop together like no-one before or since - they were a huge inspiration to me starting way back 1986 - the first concert where I can remember my ears ringing. It was also the first time I started to understand the concept of a remix, of genre collision, of the endless possibilities of invention and reinvention in art. MCA passed on today after a long... read more ›
1.5K reads
For your weekend viewing pleasure, check out the repost of Entourage star + filmmaker Adrian Grenier on chasejarvisLIVE. It's chock full of entertainment industry goodness and is sure to introduce you to something new that you'll dig. I'm also stoked to announce that we've just booked avant garde cellist Zoë Keating for chasejarvisLIVE on wednesday May 2nd. She's a one-woman orchestra, she's amazing, she's not to be missed. Mark your calendars!
611 reads
Posted for your enjoyment, The Lumineers perform a stunning set on chasejarvis LIVE, recorded April 3rd at my Garage studio in Seattle. Guest appearance but one of the best radio DJ's in the world, John Richards about half way thru. Enjoy. Share with music loving friends if you dig it. ____
1.1K reads
I don't know these Galileo guys, but I want to know them now. After you've pondered this video for about a quarter of a second and fully comprehending the future of this device and others like it -- all the way down to how it might affect your job, your future and your career path (for better + worse), consider kicking into their kickstarter project. I did. Or you can always bury your head in... read more ›
909 reads
3 weeks ago, I put the $150,000 Phantom Flex camera through its paces during an experimental fashion shoot with my good friend, director Will Hyde from Superfad. We had an absolute blast. We also had superhot female talent, an epic wardrobe, do-it-yourself solutions mixed with the highest end pro gear, and more than 50,000 watts of light. While the shoot went on for 6 hours, this here re-watch has been trimmed to include... read more ›
1.3K reads