Okay, I'm really excited to share.Throw some big-time musicians around a table with some amazing up and comers, feed 'em like kings and queens, and what do you get? You get some stunning musical performances and a bunch of honest and richly textured video--like this one above--where Stone Gossard of Pearl Jam and Barb Ireland cover "Cool Water" by Hank Williams. You also get a whole bunch of beautifully intimate still images and a... read more ›
2.2K reads
So in case you've been sleeping under a rock, just a quick reminder that Seattle's underground photography scene is going berserk. I'd venture to say that there are more aspiring camera shutters cracka-lackin' here than anywhere on the planet. If you missed our first such photo evening, highlighted in last January's vid - Chase Jarvis RAW: Seattle Flickr Roundup - this time we took it to the next level. Thanks to the hard work... read more ›
370 reads
So many of the photography videos out there show great behind-the-scenes footage and tons of gear-related details. This video is more than that. In this Chase Jarvis TECH, I'm responding to the dozens--seemingly hundreds--of emails I've received recently asking me to highlight the various steps that comprise a professional commercial photo shoot. Therefore, follow along in this 3 minute video as I walk you through a recent commercial assignment where I was hired... read more ›
690 reads
What's bigger and better than a fad? How bout a Superfad.Superfad is a brand-driven design and live action production company based in Seattle, LA, NYC, and London. I recently had the opportunity to work with these guys, and it was dreamy. [Disclosure: we've become friends!] Unlike so many motion houses with a design bent, they are totally committed to creativity. Anyway, on the heels of my post from a while ago, Photographer As Director, I've... read more ›
184 reads
Some of you may remember Deke McClelland, the Photoshop guru who put out video How To Use Scanned Money in Photoshop a couple years ago. Well his nerdness is back, and he's rapping about Photoshop in this 5-minute video. There's actually a ton of great stuff in there. In one viewing I nabbed a couple new tricks and rekindled a handful of oldies I had forgotten. Second viewing, that doubled. Watch it again. You know... read more ›
204 reads
If you're a high-falutin' artist or a photo-geek and you're up for some mischief, consider making this flash canon called "The Fulgerator" to mess with the photos of others... Click continue reading for a video of the sophisticated prank in action and a link to the original post.-- Apparently, it's adapted from a flash and an old SLR, it senses the flash of someone's camera, and then quickly illuminates itself, projecting images or text onto... read more ›
147 reads
It's my experience that simple is powerful. Whether considering art, design, or whatever, simplicity is KING. This 57 second video is a fun-but-eloquent example of what I mean: Sure the artistic concept can be high and mighty, but by all means, when considering your next picture, let the visual be simple. - click the 'continue reading' link below for comments...[Thanks to the good peeps at Signal vs. Noise the tip on this great vid!]
1.2K reads
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-TzMbYSK5M Heading into a recent commercial job in San Diego, we were a little underpowered. Our staff Digital Asset Management guru, Dartanyon, was tied to the studio on some other business and as a result we needed some more DAM muscle on the road--and quick! A phone call later, our problem was solved... Enter stage right: The Digital Capture Systems tricked-out digital photography uber-van. Enter stage left: a new video series titled Chase Jarvis SHORTS, where... read more ›
802 reads
So I've been mostly off caffeine for about 2 years now. Surely I dig into that go-fast java juice every once in a while when I "need" a kick in the arse, but mostly I'm off it.Until today that is... Yowza. You'll have to join me in starting off our week with some inspirational speedlinks. Portfolio reviews, iPhone tips, graffiti art, anti-graffit art, staying home with your kids, and, of course, terrorists. It's ala carte.... read more ›
435 reads
Feels great to be home after a long jaunt on the road. That said, I'm tuning out for the weekend for some R&R; and leaving you with something fun and clever. It's been out for a long time, but I'm a sucker for this stuff. Happy Friday!
164 reads