Arianna Huffington is one of the most influential women in the world. In May 2005, she launched the Huffington Post, a Pulitzer Prize-winning news and blog site that has become one of the strongest media brands on the Internet. She is a prolific media commentator, a confident political activist, and the author of more than 15 books. In this episode, we take a deep dive into a topic that has become near and dear to... read more ›
2.4K reads
If you've been following me for awhile, my guest today will be familiar to you -- my good friend Tim Ferriss. He actually was a very early guest of cjLIVE, and now years later it's good to have him back. If you're not familiar with Tim, he's a 3x New York Times Best-Selling Author. He has a podcast that’s been downloaded over 70 MILLION times, a new TV show called the Tim Ferriss Experiment, an... read more ›
4K reads
We've come to reserve the word GENIUS only for the top percent of society, a special gifted few. But the truth is, there is genius in all of us. What we really need to do is find it and let it out. I asked Michael Meade, a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology and author of The Genius Myth to help break this down --- and like all good chasejarvisRAWs, he... read more ›
2.9K reads
From her start as a “Jersey girl with nothing more than passion, a laptop, and a dream,” Marie Forleo built a digital empire. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Forbes top 100 websites for Entrepreneurs, her mission is to help you realize your greatest potential and use your unique talents to change the world. In this episode, we dive into real lessons of listening to your gut,... read more ›
4.1K reads
My true calling in life is exactly what I'm doing right now, but I did not wake up one day and just KNOW that I wanted to become a photographer and an entrepreneur. It took years of trial and error, starts and stops, and listening to my own gut to find a path to here. It wasn't easy, and I think it rarely is. Over the years, people have asked me how to help them... read more ›
7.3K reads
Seth Godin is an incredible human. He’s an author of 18, yes that's right, 18 best selling books. He is an entrepreneur, a guru in marketing, and writes a post every day on his blog which has been noted as one of the top marketing blogs on the internet. Seth's most current focus is his course called the altMBA focused on developing high-powered thinkers and leaders. One of the things I like best about Seth... read more ›
4.1K reads
Hello all you film fanatics, foto geeks, and anything else that starts with an "F" ;) -- here's the episode you asked for --- a quick and dirty tour behind the scenes of our 30 Days of Genius set. If you’re an OG of cjLIVE, you know the show is beautifully shot with cranes, dollies, and a full crew in front of a LIVE in-studio audience. Taking the show on the road for 30 Days... read more ›
11.9K reads
In one of my most popular #cjRAW episodes, I talked about How I Learn. In the era where we're all a bunch of hyphens -- as in we've all gotta learn not one job but 3, 4, or 5... We're photographers, designers, entrepreneurs, marketers, and more -- all at the same time... How in the hell do we navigate it all? If it sometimes seems overwhelming, then this post if for you. In short - becoming a master... read more ›
8.9K reads
BACKSTORY Today is a big day - many months (years) in the making. Today I'm excited to be kicking off one of the most exciting, inspiring and ambitious projects of my career: a free video series called 30 Days Of Genius. If you've been following me for a while you'll know that chasejarvisLIVE has been a huge undertaking - me sitting down with the world's top creatives + entrepreneurs for an hour conversation with them... read more ›
8.3K reads
SHORT VERSION: Are you on SnapChat? If so add me @chasejarvis. We'll have a tighter relationship and I'll add value I promise. Are you NOT on SnapChat but curious? Read on... LONGER BUT STILL SHORT-ISH VERSION Are you on snapchat? If so, add me. If not, I truly truly believe in my heart of hearts this is something you should consider IF you love telling/consuming stories or want more access to me/my life and the... read more ›
11K reads