Hi friends. Yes, it's true! I'm looking for a high quality, high hustle digital/content guru to join my team supporting my content efforts. Over the last couple years I've turned up the heat on my social content to bring value to this community - those already with us and those yet to join our army. I'm looking for someone to focus hardcore on helping me make behind- and in-front-of-the-scenes content that adds value and tells stories ...... read more ›
4.4K reads
Okay, so maybe you haven't created your New York Times Best Seller that's sold millions of copies, and maybe you haven't won the Chinese kickboxing championship or hold the Guinness Record for most consecutive tango spins, but there's one all-important thing that you have in common with my pal Tim Ferriss....fear. You might think a wildly successful author and innovator doesn't experience fear like a "normal person," but as Tim revealed here, it's exactly that... read more ›
12.7K reads
Success is each to his or her own, but let's call it like we see it: when you survey the landscape of your creative world, your industry, your career or hobby--whatever field you're in-- there are several fundamentals to achieving success, regardless of the measure. There are commonalities that are undeniable. So here's a list of thirteen such things that you should be doing right now - let's call it your hit list: 1. Get... read more ›
20.9K reads
A couple years ago, you may recall, during a month-long artist-in-residency at the Ace Hotel in NYC I took the opportunity to celebrate the snapshot -- quintessential street photography -- and I called the exhibit Dasein: Invitation to Hang. ['Dasein' is a German word used by philosophers to refer to raw human experience or the fundamental mode of "being there." I found that when applied to photography, the snapshot was the ultimate photographic expression of... read more ›
13.7K reads
I'm a huge fan of the concept of "strategic renewal." Chasing shiny opportunities, working in a reactive state and dealing with each new email that pops up on your phone is not only exhausting - it's a way to ensure you get nothing done - and it's simply not sustainable. "Busy" isn't success. It's a lack of priority. I've been paying attention to those who have command of their time...systems that bring sanity and purpose... read more ›
44.5K reads
Canadian photographer Francois Brunelle spent 12 years tracking down real life Doppelgängers -- two individuals who are not related but could pass for identical twins -- and photographing them. He calls his project "I'm Not a Look-Alike," and it's starting to get some well-deserved attention. Francios Brunelle has a goal of photographing 200 "couples," as he calls them. And... read more ›
195.8K reads
Austin Kleon likes to call himself “a writer who draws.” He is the best selling author of three illustrated books (Newspaper Blackout, Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work), and one of the most insightful voices on the topic of creativity. He’s been featured on media institutions like NPR’s Morning Edition, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS Newshour and speaks for organizations such as Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx, and The Economist.... read more ›
4.9K reads
If there’s a formula for turning your dreams into reality, Daymond has it-- and it starts with setting ambitious but achievable goals. Daymond John is a modern renaissance man. As the founder of iconic brand FUBU he first built his name in the apparel business, taking FUBU from a side hustle to over $6 billion in sales. He’s one of the stars of ABC’s Shark Tank and his most recent book The Power Of Broke... read more ›
2.8K reads
There are two types of photographers who impress the hell out of me. One is the wartime photojournalist, who puts his or her life on line to document real stories and images behind the world's most dangerous conflicts. [I've written about it before -- Would You Die for a Photo?]. Without their work, truths get lost, and the stakes are as high as they can get. The other is the extreme photographer. I'm not talking... read more ›
33.9K reads
Here are 7 habits that I use to help my creativity: 1. Get into adventures. Instead of saying no, say yes. Whether it's agreeing going to the South China Sea or to Sundance festival or the grocery store. 2. Devour popular culture. Examine the work of other artists, movies, books, magazines, the interwebs. 3. Take pictures of things. I photograph things I see in the world that inspire me and use them for reference. 4.... read more ›
16.5K reads